gordon_kelly's House of Mystery #35 - Over Now: Conception, Part 5 of 5; Necessary Evil review

    Avatar image for gordon_kelly

    The Good Book

    I enjoy reading House of Mystery Vertigo series but it is also hard for me to find the DC Comics old series but this is a fun book to read and enjoy but there are  some things that I like about storyline. I like the part when they blew up the old House of Mystery  and the storys about people lives from the past and etc. When I read #35 to the ending it was good and a bit gross when they talked all the events that happened like the plane in the Huson River and all the outher events that happened and that part when the person said I was there when when all the things happened thats sounds scary like the Grim Reper.


    But all in all I enjoy the book and House of Mystery is a good book series to read and in enjoy of reading.


    Other reviews for House of Mystery #35 - Over Now: Conception, Part 5 of 5; Necessary Evil

      Review: House of Mystery #35 0

      Over Now concludes with explosions, ghosts and a tragically shortened romantic reunion. The Good Wow. The back-up feature here is a real stand-out. It's been a while since I've been even remotely disturbed by a comic and this short, which puts the blame on the reader for all sorts of recent catastrophes, is just the kind of metafictional macabre I've missed. This is not to undersell the main feature, which has such fun wit and whimsy, but just.... wow... The Bad Yes, it's a little silly to jum...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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