

    Character » Empress appears in 90 issues.

    Inspired by the superheroine Arrowette, Anita Fite vowed to use her considerable fighting skills and proficiency in the mystic art of vodoun to save lives as Empress.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1774470 MjauMjau Issue 01/02/24 06:35AM 384 done
    1603417 Thor_Ul Team correction 07/16/23 10:12PM 34 done
    1380395 gmorto Character 02/04/23 03:58PM 2 done
    1297422 magicman620 Issue 11/21/22 04:24PM 178 done
    1142071 Sarahtoga104 Issue 07/02/22 07:19AM 152 done
    1132234 aphillips17 Concept adding more characters. 06/21/22 10:07AM 148 done
    894747 Superkitty Issue 10/01/21 10:55PM 36 done
    682191 abdullah5122 Character 02/11/21 03:49AM 284 done
    667845 abdullah5122 Character 01/20/21 10:22PM 86 done
    665526 abdullah5122 Character 01/19/21 12:14AM 20 done
    653220 abdullah5122 Character 12/29/20 04:32AM 134 done
    641530 abdullah5122 Character 12/10/20 06:29AM 68 done
    640348 abdullah5122 Character 12/07/20 10:12PM 86 done
    639733 abdullah5122 Character 12/06/20 02:20AM 700 done
    639710 abdullah5122 Character 12/05/20 10:37PM 580 done
    639391 abdullah5122 Character 12/05/20 08:50AM 192 done
    639280 abdullah5122 Character 12/04/20 11:22PM 94 done
    616509 SlamAdams Character 11/09/20 04:12PM 2 done
    215758 WonderBoyPrime Character all of these powers are voodoo magic which empress can use the women in her family are voodoo practitioner and eventually she will get these powers as she grows 04/20/19 01:10AM 38 done
    215440 WonderBoyPrime Character all of theses are powers that voodo can do and most of these powers Doctor Voddoo has which means empress can get them in the future with practice 04/19/19 01:43AM 0 done
    48240 renchamp Character 07/19/18 01:07PM 1 done

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