bloodwolfassassin's Doctor Who #13 - As Time Goes By Part 1 review

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    Here's lookin' at you Doc

    This is just incredible. I've made it no secret in the past that I am a huge fan of Doctor Who, so naturally every now and then I'll pick up something Doctor Who related. However, my copy of the issue has a different cover than the one you're seeing so I was shocked to discover what you guys have already figured out. This comic is a crossover between Doctor Who and....Casablanca? And by the way, they don't just go to the real life city of Casablanca around the time period of the movie, no, they are in the movie itself. They are there while the events of the film are taking place. However, I'm getting ahead of myself. We start off with the Eleventh Doctor and his companions, the incredibly sexy Amy Pond and the always awesome Rory "The Roman" Williams, landing in early 1940's Morocco because, why else, the Doctor wants to buy a fez, because as we all know, fezzes are cool. Rory is arrested for "looking suspicious, and Amy tries to stop the crooked police, while the Doctor laments the fact that the store he found does not carry fezzes. Amy tries to convince the cop that he's innocent and the officer tells her that if she appeals to the captain, who is currently hanging out in the local Gin Joint, she will probably be able to convince him to let Rory go. Then, Nazis. Yeah, they don't really do anything they just sort of show up to remind us that this is Casablanca. The Doctor claims that Nazis are his third least favorite thing in the universe. (I'm guessing the other two are Daleks and Pears, and the fourth is probably John Nathan Turner) Amy and The Doctor walk into the bar and see another gentleman getting arrested in the same manner as Rory. That man is later seen in a cell with Rory and tells him that he believes that there is a conspiracy at work and neither of them will be leaving that cell alive. Then we see, Holy crap it's Rick Blaine! It's the Humphrey Bogart character from Casablanca, he's actually in this. He just misses the doctor as he's about to yell at Sam for playing that one song. The Police captain informs The Doctor that there was a terrible accident at the Jail and Rory is dead. You'd figure Amy and The Doctor would be used to this by now. (For you non-Doctor Who fans, Rory dies more times in a week than Kenny from South Park.) Back with Rory, the crooked cops murder his cell mate but Rory, being a badass who once punched out Adolf Hitler and shoved him in a broom closet, socks this guy right on the Jaw, damaging his perception filter and revealing him to be a Silurian. Amy, learning that Rory has supposedly died... again, runs off and finds him cornered by the fake cops.

    What Works:

    It's a crossover between Doctor Who and Cassablanca.... It's a crossover between Doctor Who and Cassablanca......IT'S A CROSSOVER BETWEEN DOCTOR WHO AND CASSABLANCA! That is freaking awesome! Everything in this comic is great. This is the sort of thing I love from Doctor Who.

    What Doesn't:

    My only minor complaint is the Doctors disinterest in the ordeals of his companions. The Doctor is easily distracted at times yes, but when his friends are in danger he usually quits messing about.

    Overall 5/5

    Can't wait for the next issue. GERONIMO!!


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