the_mighty_monarch's Deathstroke #2 - The Carpocalypse review

    Avatar image for the_mighty_monarch

    A Carcophony of Carmaggedeon Carnage

    The Good: The interior art is great. The fight scenes are chaotic and badass, and the scenes in between have some good setup that's well paced. 
    The various threats thrown at Deathstroke are all pretty unimportant in and of themselves, but they still have a superb level of variety and uniqueness to them. It makes the scene more interesting. 
    The easy summary of this issue is thus, Deathstroke is a badass. He goes all out, and slices through anything that crossed his path. As he chases down the man who tarnished his reputation. He is an unstoppable juggernaut, barely breaking a sweat as he slices his way through blades, guns, and explosions alike. Everything starts out 'Roadhouse' and ends as 'Transformers,' and honestly I can't say the transition wasn't anything but smooth. The theme of this series seems to be 'awesome.' And dammit, it IS awesome. 
    Deathstroke's long term plan to regain his status as top dog takes some surprising advances.
    The Bad: The cover is still a little too over-the-top for Deathstroke. It could be argued that that doesn't exist for Deathstroke, but it's just a different kind of over-the-top that doesn't really seem to work right for Deathstroke. 
    The issue title's a little off. Carpocalypse sounds silly, and doesn't really capture the full issue, just one of the many threats he faces. 
    As great as Deathstroke's secret plan was, the way its revealed, and parts of the nature of it seem a little more like something Deadpool would do. 
    In Conclusion: 4/5 
    It's hard to say too much about this series other than 'badass' and 'awesome.' If you're a fan of Deathstroke, you'd be almost committing a sin by not picking this up. If you like awesome action, you'll definitely dig this. And at the same time there is a nice deeper mystery here who's not overly teased but not ignored.

    Other reviews for Deathstroke #2 - The Carpocalypse

      Pure Action 0

      The Story: Deathstroke seeks the name of the client responsible for the airplane job. When he's unable to get what he wants, he puts his sword to great use. My Thoughts:Writer Kyle Higgins managed to impress me enough on the first issue for me to continue reading this series. I was hoping for something a little more than what we were given within these pages. The issue is certainly action-packed which we were all expecting since it's a Deathstroke series but I was hoping for a little more story ...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Carpocalypse? really? 0

      The new 52 has been my first straight up introduction to Deathstroke, I'm familiar with him to an extent having read some Teen Titans sporadically and dabbling in the Titans: Villains for hire (which i thoroughly enjoyed). Having always been intrigued by him as a character, I figured the new 52 was an ideal jumping on point for me. The preceding issue, I feel, did a good job showcasing what Deathstroke offers- He's an F'n BADASS!That being said, it seems the writers felt it painfully necessary t...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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