abnormally_warm_guy's Deadpool #18 - Want You To Want Me: Part 4: You Have the Right Not To Be Killed review

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    Deadpool does it again

    Most people who follow me know I'm not a fan of Daniel Way. He just doesn't pop for me for the most part.
    More recently however Way has been dangling in front of me some very very well written issues. We saw this with the Bullseye arc and we see it now. This arc had it's ups and downs but it had such a strong start it was hard not to like it. Now this ending to the story wrapped everything up perfectly. It really shows how "out of the box" Deadpool is. No one could see comign what he had in mind and it's phenomenal.
    I hope Way continues to try for more depth with Deadpool's character and not take a story arc hiatus like he did after the Bullseye arc.

    Other reviews for Deadpool #18 - Want You To Want Me: Part 4: You Have the Right Not To Be Killed

      Deapool's a freaking genius, again 0

      The thing that I enjoy reading the most about Deadpool is how his zany and somewhat crazy ideas actually turn out to be a perfect strategy. It's just that none of the other characters (or even myself as a reader) can see the big picture as the story progress. His outragous plots seem to be crazy, but he's just a strategic genius that's often overlooked. Over the last comics, Deadpool has wanted to sign up to become an X-Man. He even made his own costume and a pancake breakfast for his assigned X...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      .. 0

      well all i can say is thank god this arc is now over. I have to admit, i didn't necessarily enjoy this x-men type theme but oh well. I felt as if the writers of the arc cannot think of anything else to write so they just come up with something random if u understand what i'm saying. The issue itself was not bad at all. Writing is good and art is still great so nothing really to criticise in this issue. You see the result of what happens at the end of issue 17 and you also see what happens to the...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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