sir_kyle's Deadpool #10 - Bullseye, Part 1: The Shaft review

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    A Killer Is Still A Killer

    This issue of Deadpool is one of my favorites. We really see who Deadpool is. While yes he's a funny, overly witty dude he's still a killer. It's who he is and it's what he does. Daniel Way’s writing really came through this issue. 

    The only thing I had a problem with is we don’t find out (at least in this issue) who “Tanya Patterson” is and why Deadpool killed Gavin. Did she hire him to? I mean he was putting his name on Craig’s List. We may never know. 

    I especially like the end… classic. Paco Medina’s pencils and Marte Gracia’s colors really complement each other, and just wrap up this comic beautifully. 4.5 outta 5.


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