the_cyan_lantern's Brightest Day #10 - A Change is Gonna Come review

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    A Boy, King, and a Ticking Bomb


       As Jackson father knows about his son secret revealing it's self, Jackson is taken to the spot where his life began. However, the trip down memory lane doesn't come that easy. Meanwhile, Jason and Ronald find out the secrets of the universe, but they are the ones to end it.

    The Good:

       Originally Firestorm was a character that I could give a rats-ass about, but this issue had flipped that perception upside down.  In the begging we clearly see that two heads are not better than one. Professor Stein is clearly worried and unhappy of the boys but has to reveal the truth or else there will be no world. And the mystery voice finally comes out to play. No doubt the center of attention belong to Jackson. It is kinda clear that he is no human so "dad" needs to take him to where they found him. But the party of 2 gets interrupted by a couple of folks, and it is good.

    The Bad:

       This book had no bad except the overplayed "You aren't from here so I need to take you to your birthplace" scene.

    Review: 5 out of 5

       Better than the previous issue and has very large climax's to make us pick up #11 in a heart beat.     

    Other reviews for Brightest Day #10 - A Change is Gonna Come

      They Stole The Show! 0

      As of late, Brightest Day has dramatically increased in quality in terms of its stories since Issue #7. With its increased exposure on formerly forgotten characters over the easier route of relying on Green Lantern to tell solid stories, Geoff Johns and Peter J. Tomasi continue crafting an epic that may very well showcase the future landscape of the DCU, as the issue's title is hinting. So, grab your mementos, bond with your chemically intelligent buddy, and join me as I review Brightest Day #10...

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      Never Thought I Would Say Aqualad Is Interesting 0

      This time Brightest Day narrows in on the ongoing stories of Aquaman and and the Firestorm duo in an overall good issue, but one story definitely stands above the other.  Aqualad steps into the spotlight as both Black Manta and Aquaman close in on him. This is more a partial origin story for Aqualad than anything else. As the cover implies, he gets more page time than any other character. It isn't a bad thing. More and more, the new Aqualad seems like a great addition to the DCU and honestly far...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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