wmwadeii's Batman: The Dark Knight #23.1 - A Rising Star of Red! review

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    Batman: The Dark Knight #23.1 Rating

    No Caption Provided

    Cover & Solicit - 4/5

    • Would I pick-up or buy the comic based on the solicit or cover alone?
    • Are the alternate covers appealing?
    • Does the solicit and cover portray what happens in the issue?
    • Do I like the artist's style on the cover?

    Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5

    - Weighted Double

    • Do I personally like this artist's style?
    • Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?
    • If there are multiple artists do they blend well and not disturb the reading experience?
    • Does the coloring/inking blend well with the artist?
    • Is the coloring and inking enjoyable to the eye?
    • Is it easy to distinguish what's happening?

    Layout & Flow - 4/5

    • Does the layout of the issue make it easy to read?
    • Does the issue have a good flow of the plot and keep me engaged?
    • Can I easily read the issue, to include lettering?
    • Is there too little or too much dialogue or monologue?
    • Is it easy to understand what's happening without reading previous issues, or other titles?

    Story - 3/5

    - Weighted Triple

    • How well did the issue further develop the current story?
    • How well did the issue further develop the characters?
    • Did the writer stay true to the history and characteristics of the characters?
    • Did I simply enjoy reading the issue?
    • At the end of the issue do I immediately want to read the next one?

    Verdict - 3.6

    - For additional ratings and previews of this issue, visit my blog at Images Unplugged.

    Other reviews for Batman: The Dark Knight #23.1 - A Rising Star of Red!

      A bland act 0

      SPOILERS are most likely to pop up here. So I'm reading all the villain month books to see if they can draw in new readers and all that jazz. This should be an interesting one as I've never seen this version of Ventriloquist so there's a lot for this issue to show off. The Good:This issue does a very good job of showing off just what this version of Ventriloquist is capable of and it's some pretty neat stuff. She's certainly got more going for her than the previous characters to use the name. I...

      4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

      Lights Out In Gotham 0

      Backstory:The villains have won. The Crime Syndicate has taken over and the Justice League is dead. Gotham is in darkness except for a lone theater with power.The Good:There isn't a great deal of good or bad in this issue. The new Ventriloquist's origin is pretty generic. She seems to have a pretty cool powerset but it isn't really explained. We see some details from her childhood but no real justification or motivation on why she has become the person she is today. The art is pretty good so th...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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