the_mighty_monarch's Batman: Li'l Gotham #1 - Halloween; Thanksgiving review

    Avatar image for the_mighty_monarch

    Gotham Sandbox

    Ok. Look at that cover. Now tell me how much I need to say in my review. Not much, right? I mean, come on! DUSTIN NGUYEN! LIL' GOTHAM! It's pretty self explanatory, and you get exactly what you expect. Seriously, that's the most adorable happy cover I've ever seen, and an amazing counterpart to some of the sorrow sewn lately. Damian's still alive here, and this has a weirdly large amount of character development for the kid, as he's exposed to certain 'normal' holidays for the first time. The comedy here is absolutely A-List, perfectly taking advantage of Damian's odd naiveté about the 'real world' and his grumpier inner self he's been shedding.

    Seriously, for an out of continuity purely comedy based chibi series, the character work is amazingly strong. Everyone is VERY well written.

    Also, it gives me hope for future appearances. Look who's on the cover! STEPHANIE BROWN! HUSH! Freaking ABUSE! KLARION AND TEEKL! This comic oozes Pre-New 52 nostalgia, with a nice little appearance in the issue by fan-favorite Cassandra Cain.

    In Conclusion: 5/5

    Fans of Dustin Nguyen NEED to... who amI kidding, if you're a Dustin Nguyen fan, you bought this already. And if you are, and you didn't, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? This is Dustin Nguyen at the ultimate peak of creative expression in Gotham. And people who complain endlessly about the New 52 (who I disagree with) also need to pick this up. Babs is still in a wheelchair, Cass is there, Stephanie is still clearly Batgirl, etc. I dare you to read this and not at least crack a big wide smile.

    Other reviews for Batman: Li'l Gotham #1 - Halloween; Thanksgiving

      Good for Anybody 0

      Batman: Li'l Gotham #1 is a comic book that comic fans of all ages can read, which is something that I'd really like to see more of from the comic book industry at large. If you're looking for the dark side of the Batman universe, this comic definitely won't satisfy your search; but, of course, there's plenty of the darker stuff to go around anyways with the nauseating amount of titles Batman already has. Essentially what you get in this comic book is two stories: the first happens during Hallow...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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