djotaku's Batman, Incorporated #3 - The Hanged Man review

    Avatar image for djotaku

    Matches Returns

    Matches Malone returns and we get a sweet Morrison issue that mixes new and old Batman. Watch the video to see what all the fuss is about.


    Other reviews for Batman, Incorporated #3 - The Hanged Man

      Got a Match? 0

      This series has been a huge improvement on the previous Batman Incorporated run and this is is showing that it isn't running out of ideas any time soon. It was certainly worth the wait (after it was postponed due to material that may be insensitive after the Colorado shootings). Great art from Burnham again also and Morrison this series is showing us the same level he showed when he did the ongoing Batman series and Batman and Robin (prior New 52).This issue issue is about a character named Matc...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

      This Put The "Detective" in Batman 0

      ***DC had postponed this issue due to certain events. My local comic shop still sold this issue whether they were aware of the postpone or not***The Good.Common knowledge tells us that Batman is "The Great Detective", unfortunately, DC either forgot to add that in their books or forgot how to make it good. It seems Grant may have seen that since The New 52 and went for it. And with the return of Matches Malone, that felt even more true. This books feels like a crime novel where there is snooping...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

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