tgd124's Batman #13 - Knock, Knock; Tease review

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    Another Bat-Event


    -After a year of absence, the crown prince of crime has begun to torment Gotham's dark heroic society once again.


    -the perfect time of year for a dark story to start, Joker arrives in this dark gritty story just in time for halloween. Everything in this story s creepy, it actually frightened me at times.

    -I know i've been saying this alot lately, but again, i love this comic's art. As simple as it is, it gets all the emotions and fear into the characters and gives the reader images even novel's can't achieve.

    -I think this comic is going to be as impacting as death in the family and killing joke, but the only one i could really see them killing is Alfred or Commissioner Gordon, maybe Tim (but that's really stretching it). I really like Dick and Damian (the old Batman and Robin was just fantastic) and doubt they'd remove everyones favorite robin (even my mom knows who Grayson is) or the current demon robin, and it would be a low blow to hurt Jason or Batgirl again.

    -Like Hush, i hope joker calls upon other villains to take down gotham. Professor Pyg especially, he hasn't done much in a while.


    -Nothing is bad about it, but i do wish DC didn't have a crossover every few months. It'd make them more meaningful, because literally we just finished the last halloween crossover over the summer. it's going to make other story's less important, because who even remembers cry for justice? Yea, thats right, it happened sometime during Blackest Night.


    -I would buy this. Even though DC is becoming all about batman, and we just finished a different Batman crossover event, this is a good story and will likely change comics again, similar to many batman events preceding it.


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