Comic Vine News


Walking Dead Hospital Scene Video

How does it compare to the comic?

@Omega Ray Jay:
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Doesn't the upcoming Walking Dead television show just make you smile in a twisted, yet satisfying way? The comic which debuted in 2003, is making its way to the television on Halloween night next month, for 6 episodes of zombie glory. Hopefully by now, we've all seen a little bit of what this television show will be like.
AMC released a new little clip of the show recently that follows a couple of pages from the first issue of the comic. In addition, I reread the first issue and will run through the differences and similarities between this clip and the actual comic. It's like nerd show and tell! Does the clip hold up to the comic though?
== TEASER ==
Technically, this scene covers pages two through five in issue one, during the one minute clip. In the clip, Rick wakes up in the bed, just like he does in the comic. Next, Rick tries to get out of bed, falls and yells "NURSE! HELP!" In the comic, he just yells "NURSE!" Now, things change up a little bit. In the comic, Rick finds his clothes, puts them on, and finds a dead body in an elevator.  He keeps yelling for help and then finds the barred up door. He opens it to find a room full of zombies. In this clip, Rick doesn't put on his clothes, and he heads to the barred up door, which a zombie's hands slip through. Not too different.
The story is incredibly close to the comic, even some of the camera shots compared to the comic. The only big difference for me as a huge fan of the comic is finding the dead body in the elevator. I like the idea of Rick finding the dead body in the elevator before being introduced to this undead world. However, I'm not annoyed or anything about it. I think the clip looks great, and I have a feeling it's going to be a very suspenseful show. This clip does a great job of capturing the essence of the comic, and I have a feeling I'll be giggling in excitement on Halloween night, next month. What do you guys think? Do you think it follows the comic well?