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UPDATE: Doctor Who Air Date

American and UK dates announced

Matt Smith
Matt Smith
According to CinemaBlend, Matt Smith, who took over the Doctor spot from David Tennant, will be filling the shoes as the Doctor in just a few months.

British fans of Doctor Who now know that they can catch Matt Smith's first adventure as The Doctor on Saturday, April 3

 As always, the Americans will have to wait a little bit longer. But when? BBC America, who will be hosting the show, has yet to announce even a "guesstamation" of when the episodes will appear in America. One thing that CinemaBlend commented on is the fact that many Americans have to take to less legal methods to watch the show after it's premiere across the pond. 
Many American Doctor Who fans are impatient, but loyal. Yeah, they may find a sketchy way to watch the episodes, but they'll still watch the premiere on BBC America, and many of those people will still buy the DVDs, but that still doesn't make it right. Why not have the episode air in the States the day after or even the week after? Being one week behind, instead of a month or two, isn't that bad. There's nothing worse than hearing from your buddy in Essex, that this weeks episode was amazing, then having to wait a month to see it. 
So what will BBC America do? Episode 1 of the technically 5th season airs Saturday, April 3rd. So will it air in America the 4th? The 10th? The 11th? Or a month later. To all the Brits reading this we're envious of you.... 
What do you guys think? Excited for the new season? Can't wait? 


  BBC America just announced that... well... here ya go:

  BBC AMERICA announced today that the new era of the BBC’s iconic BAFTA-winning drama, Doctor Who, will make its U.S. premiere on Saturday, April 17, 2010, soon after the UK broadcast.

America has a premiere date! WOO WHO! American Who fans rejoice! We only have to wait two weeks this season! Hopefully, we can all deal with that.
Now who's excited?!
~Mat Elfring (InferiorEgo) is a comedian, comic store employee, teacher, comic book writer, and HUGE Doctor Who fan~