Comic Vine News


Early Review: Dellec #4

Aspen gives ComicVine a early look at their series Dellec

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Aspen Comics sent us a copy of Dellec #4 a week early check out. I also went back and read the first 3 issues, since I've never read the book before. This issue deals with Dellec being charged with the murder of a prostitute that he didn't commit, and his time in prison. In addition, we also get a little more back story on where Dellec's Godly Kendo Sticks came from. This issue will be released Wednesday, May 5th.

The Good

This issue reads like an epic action film. I'm not saying that because it's an action packed film though. Panel-to-panel transition is smooth and it feels like I'm watching a really good action film. Although I've said in the past I don't like the "I'm extremely tough and cool" types of characters, I'm digging the "spiritual warrior" concept of this book, and in addition to that, Dellec has gone through a lot of extreme life-altering experiences, within the last issue, that may, hopefully, give the character some emotional fragility or weakness that will give him more purpose than other "tough-guy" characters have. Each issue also contains a back story about where Dellec's green-glowing weapon came from, and maybe the religious sect he came from, which we still don't have all the information on yet.

The Bad

My one main problem with this issue was that the main antagonist woman, whose name has yet to be revealed, but I have a pretty good guess on who she is, doesn't seem to serve any purpose in this issue, but yet, she's in it. She is on one page of the book in a conversation with the other antagonist and it really threw me off from the main storyline. There is one other time where they jump from the main story to one page of something else happening elsewhere, but it worked and made sense for the story. The cut to the two antagonists just felt like filler to me, but it was the only real downer in the issue.

The Verdict

I can say that I sincerely loved this book. Out of the four issues in this series, this is by far the best. The first three were good in their own right, but this issue really raised the bar on the book. There's so many unanswered questions at this point, which I know will all be answered soon, but the writers leave enough mystery in the book to keep me hooked until the next issue. If you love action films, you'll love this issue. If you haven't read this book, I suggest it. It's well worth your money.
