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Don Cheadle Says No To War Machine Spin-Off

He does hope to return in Iron Man 3 though.

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One of the things that many are looking forward to in Iron Man 2 is seeing War Machine in action.  When we saw the scene in the first movie where Rhodey (played by Terrence Howard), we were teased with the "Next time!" line.  There was a bit of controversy as Howard was replaced by Don Cheadle.  Even though Iron Man 2 hasn't been released yet, apparently there's been speculation over a War Machine spin-off movie. 
The Coventry Telegraph reports that Cheadle cleared this up with Wizard Magazine. 

"People have asked but no one [in authority] has mentioned it as something that's happening. 

"Hopefully, if this one does well, there'll be another [Iron Man film] with the same people. But there won't be a [War Machine] spin-off."     

Cheadle went on to explain that in the movie, the War Machine suit is owned by the government..  Rhodey and a team of government designers put the suit together with more weapons that were provided by Justin Hammer.  Makes you wonder if Hammer had some sort of failsafe or controlling device put in.  We've seen War Machine and Iron Man fighting alongside each other in the trailer but perhaps we'll see them fighting each other as Hammer controls the War Machine suit. 
Cheadle may be saying no to a War Machine spin-off, but like he said, no one in 'authority' has said anything.  It could be another story if he's actually approached with the idea.  Do you think a solo War Machine movie could work?  Would you want to see War Machine in action without sharing the screen? 

 Looks like Tony's heading for the hills.
 Looks like Tony's heading for the hills.