knockreff11111's American Vampire #9 - Devil in the Sand, Conclusion review

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    Great conclusion

    I love the back story showing Cashel and the sheriffs origins as a good father adoption the least wanted boy on the train. Also a great finale to the story arch with a shoot out in the cave at night that looks spectacular, followed by a great firing bombing scene. Second time reading through the series and still great!

    Other reviews for American Vampire #9 - Devil in the Sand, Conclusion

      Easily My Favorite Title This Week 0

      At first I was indifferent to reading American Vampire, but after 9 issues and 2 story arcs later, I will say without a doubt that American Vampire has jumped to the top of favorite titles i am currently reading. Issue 9 is the final chapter for the second story arc "Devil in the Sand"; and what a closer it is. "Tense" is probably the right word to describe the setting. I will say without hesitation that the final stand off between Cashel McCogan and Skinner Sweet is as "Tense" as the stand off ...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      So and so... 0

      Don`t get me wrong. I like this series...I like this series a lot! But, gee, this whole "Devil in the Sand" storyarch is kinda lame compared to very strong first five issues. While they had some really inspired tinkering with vampires and the early 20th century history and wild west, this time the planting of vampires to the "modern west" and early days of Las Vegas feels really unispired.  It does make sense that Vegas appeals to vampires even in it´s early stages, but the whole "Sin City" thin...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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