englentine's Trinity #1 - Boys And Their Games...; In The Morrows To Come review

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    It's a fumble

     I like the cover emblem. The overlapping symbols, not too bad of an idea. The cover itself, well, I guess now i can see why they did this, but when it was just the first issue, it made me wonder why only one of them was on the front. Rather a boring been there done that image. However it seems that been there done that was exactly what they were after, considering what goes on inside.
      Why the hell is this an introduction book. These are the three most recognised heroes in all of comicdom. Only Spiderman or the Hulk could possibly come close.  This book could have started off running, instead it was a slow trot while they had tea.
     This was made worse by the fact that the main characters lost page time, for an equally boring back up story. Not a good first issue at all.

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