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Green Arrow : Vertigo (DCCU)

Reckless playboy Oliver Queen has a major transformation when he is left for dead on a remote island. Crafting a bow & quiver to survive, he emerges from the island as the Green Arrow. Now a threat has rose from the European Nation of Vlatvia and Ollie will be forced to take on Count Vertigo...

  • Thanks to @ravenvice01 for suggesting that Vertigo kill the Queens
  • Deaths: John Diggle {Killed by Nobody} : Robert Queen {Killed by "Rebels"} : Moira Queen {Killed by "Rebels"}
  • Incarcerated: Count Vertigo {Belle Reve} : Brick {Belle Reve} : Deadshot {Belle Reve} : The King {Belle Reve} : China White {Belle Reve}
  • Important Points: Rochev is made ruler of Vlatvia by Oliver Queen after Vertigo is overthrown : It is revealed that Vertigo killed the inhabitants of the island due to it being under US Protection

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  • A playboy who inherited millions when his parents died, Oliver Queen made many enemies due to his self-absorbed lifestyle. Queen was thrown overboard off one of his yachts by Simon Lacroix who desired Oliver's place as CEO of Queen Industries. Oliver was presumed dead but he had in fact washed up on a deserted pacific island. He found a settlement but the villagers had all been slaughtered. Horrified, Oliver sought to bring those responsible to justice. Queen made a makeshift bow and managed to survive for months on the island. He eventually managed to get off the island by sneaking onto a cargo ship which had been taken over by drug-smugglers. Queen managed to save the crew and got his first taste of crime-fighting. Upon returning to Star City, he used his vast wealth to create trick-arrows to use on his crime-fighting crusade as the Green Arrow.

  • Werner Zytle came from a very wealthy aristocratic family in the Balkan country of Vlatvia. After an uprising in which his father was killed, Werner fled the country with his mother. His mother blamed Werner for being weak and handed him other to a company called Crius. Werner was experimented on for a bionic disorienting weapon. Pieces of metal were placed on the inside of his skull to strengthen and focus his ability. Werner used this ability to kill the head of the programme and escaped back to Vlatvia. There, he retook the castle, reclaimed his country as Count Vertigo and all at the age of 22. Vertigo projects the image of a benevolent ruler despite much of the country still living in extreme poverty and his infamous criminal empires.

  • Daniel Brickwell (A.K.A. Brick) is a Star City crimelord with impenetrable brick-like skin. Brick has enacted a partnership with Count Vertigo to aid him in taking revenge on the U.S.A. for aiding the rebels of Vlatvia by committing attacks on prominent government buildings in Star City. Despite not liking being a "Patsy" for Vertigo, Brick is willing to do anything for the substantial fortune on offer.

  • Eddie Fyers is a CIA-Agent and weapons expert. Fyers was friends with Robert Queen and aids Oliver in designing tech for his arrows and provides him with whatever information he needs.

  • Count Vertigo's right-hand man and prime-minister of Vlatvia, Darhk appears loyal to Vertigo but has plans of his own. Vertigo knows little of Darhk's past, and Damien prefers to keep it that way.

  • A highly-skilled Greek assassin hired by Count Vertigo. Drakon's past is shrouded in mystery but he hints that he killed his family's gardener just to see what it felt like.

  • Hired by the Brick to assassinate the Green Arrow, Deadshot will have to pull off all his tricks if he is to best the Emerald Archer whilst escaping unscathed - Not that the latter bothers Lawton anyway.

  • A former soldier for the US military, John Diggle is a close friend of Oliver Queen. Now a solider for hire, Diggle is forced to betray Ollie when Vertigo threatens to kill Diggle's sister. He enacts a deal with Vertigo that Ollie's life will be spared but Vertigo doesn't seem too keen on keeping this promise.

  • The young rebel leader in Vlatvia, "Nothing" has an instant disliking for Green Arrow but is forced to help him if he wants Vertigo out of power.

  • John "The King" King is an incredibly rich crimelord in Central City who allies himself with Count Vertigo. He has an intense rivalry with Brick, whom he feels is, ironically, "too soft".

  • Due to her connection to ancient Royal Blood, Rochev is persecuted through Vlatvia by Vertigo's men. She is smitten by the much younger Oliver Queen when he liberates her country.

  • CFO of Queen Industries, Broderick is seen as a "stiff" by Queen who jokes around far too much for Cyrus' liking.

  • Simon Lacroix is a high-ranking member of Queen Industries who was personally taught archery by Robert Queen. After the death of Robert, Oliver became CEO of Queen Industries. Desiring Queen's fortune for himself, Simon pushed Oliver overboard off one of his boats. Lacroix became CEO of Queen Industries but disappeared upon the return of Oliver Queen to Star City.

  • Robert Queen was the husband of Moira Queen and father of Oliver Queen. Robert had many affairs and several illegitimate children. On a trip to Vlatvia, Robert and Moira were apparently killed by rebels. However, in reality, Count Vertigo actually had them killed for secretly funding the rebel's war effort.

  • Moira Queen was the wife of Robert Queen and the mother of Oliver Queen. Moira was aware of her husband's affairs but kept the marriage together for Oliver. On a trip to Vlatvia, Moira and Robert were apparently killed by rebels. However, in reality, Count Vertigo actually had them killed.

  • A police detective in Star City, Larry Lance is good friends with Jim Gordon of the GCPD. A supporter of Green Arrow, Larry is already on bad terms with the Commissioner and is considering going private.

  • A Police Lieutenant in Star City, Lucas Hilton tries to distance himself from the rest of thee corrupt force and supports the Archer's campaign.

  • The corrupt police commissioner of Star City, Brian Nudocerdo tries to enact "business" with Oliver Queen but the playboy seems much less interested in shady deals after returning from the island he was stranded on.

  • One of Ollie's old "flings", Sandra Hawke approached him to tell him she is pregnant with his child but he brushes her off and offers her money to leave him alone.

  • Leader of the drug-cartel that take over a cargo ship Oliver rescues. White is a skilled martial-artist but was apprehended by Oliver and sent to Belle Reve.

  • The daughter of "The King", Mia Dearden ran away from him after he attempted to rape her and has gone into prostitution on the streets.