
"You can kill me, but I'll only return." ~Cydrus Knightfall~

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Jason Larr

Name: Jason Larr

American businessman.

Eyes: Intelligent green.

Hair: Bald.

Height: 5'10"

Build: Average.

In charge and owner of Larr industries.

Currently dead. Created an AI after predicting his own assassination at the hands of mutants (most likely) or something else he didn't support.

Intelligence: He is highly intelligent especially in scientifical or phycological matters. He has learned special techniques that bypass natural human barriers. This is often known as Chi manipulation. He however refers to it as Roadblock breaking. His ability to shift internal and some external energy allows him to protwct himself from many attacks of almost any sort physical or otherwise as energy takes many forms. His extreme intelligence and roadblock breaking allows him an advantage against telepathic or empathic attack. He can even create invisible walls which, when someone gets close to them, lose their telepathic/empathic abilities of almost any kind.

Otherwise very healthy normal human. However when breaking roadblocks he can increase any attack defense more than tenfold. However rarely he uses it.

Weapons: He often carries a knife and a gun on him. This are made of exceptional materials that outclass titanium and steel by a long way. They are also accompanied by his intense knowledge of the body. Allowing him to stab/shoot precisely the right spot for varying effects.

Bio: Jason showed up as a healer to cure the ill. What he meant by this was mutants. He started out with little money but with his genius he soon rose the ranks and made Larr industries. Now he competes with other weapons companies as well as makes things that get rid of the mutant gene as well as varying other things such as vampirism. He claims to be trying to protect them but has apparently killed someone who found he was testing it on unwilling subjects. Now he is attempting to get the mutants, and the like, to become normal humans. By force if he must. Secretly he is building an army of anti mutant bots made from varying materials including Nth metal. These bots are designed to outrun, outgun, outmaneuver, and outthink, the mutants they'd be fighting.

Larr industries: Sells "cures" for varying things such as being a mutant. These cures can, and have under certain circumstances, been forced to be used. It also develops enhanced weaponry designed with an average human in mind. It is a large industry and is extremely well guarded.

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