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The Pharaoh's Secret Spirograph (Comic Ads #47)

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Comic Ads are more than just the mountain of Hostess Ads we know and love. Over the years, many a company has used one page comic ads to shill their products in the pages of comic books! So I thought I'd do a list series that showcases those ads, and shows you what issues I've found them in. To me, these are as much a part of comics history as any superhero, and I love 'em for the nostalgia they bring. I hope they do the same for you. Enjoy.
It's really cool that someone thought of this, but the guy who allowed it? That guy's an idiot.
It's really cool that someone thought of this, but the guy who allowed it? That guy's an idiot.

There is so much freakin' goodness about this ad:

  • Effendi
  • National Spirographic Society Expedition
  • Father-daughter expedition, like classic movies
  • Hidden math (40 centuries = 4000 years)
  • King Khee-Pahn-Truk-Ken (yeah, sound it out)
  • The guy in the red fez is afraid of the mummy
  • The face on the mummy
  • Heiroglyphics for "I just can't leave it alone!" (even if they are made up)
  • The giant eye in the magnifying glass
  • Like any classic mummy story, there's a transfer of the "curse" ("'Cause now I just can't leave it alone!")

Whew! It's just too much! This ad is just all kinds of great! So here's some pics of the toy itself, including a very cool chalk version, and a couple of elaborate Spirograph doodles:

Continued on 2nd page following: <46 (Comic Ads) 48>

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