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Out Cold! (Comic Ads #16)

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Comic Ads are more than just the mountain of Hostess Ads we know and love. Over the years, many a company has used one page comic ads to shill their products in the pages of comic books! So I thought I'd do a list series that showcases those ads, and shows you what issues I've found them in. To me, these are as much a part of comics history as any superhero, and I love 'em for the nostalgia they bring. I hope they do the same for you. Enjoy.

This ad for ICS- International Correspondence Schools- takes itself very seriously, but it gets funnier and funnier the more I look at it. Here's the things that struck me funny:

  1. It took boxes falling on Jack Lewis' head to realize that he was in a dead end job. Jack is an idiot. Working in a warehouse is good, honest work- I've done it myself for several years. Trust me on this though: the one thing people don't look for in a warehouse is someone to move into an office management position. Even if you run the warehouse, they find you imminently replaceable. They may even be d-bag enough to tell you that to your face. (side note: I may have issues to work out. Thanks for staying with me.)
  2. Jack must be the bad boy type. Why? Because Nancy's kind of hot, and Nancy's with Jack, even though he doesn't have a high school diploma, and his future looks bleak. Way to go, Jack.
  3. Clearly, Jack and Nancy are at least seeing each other. Neither one of them is wearing a wedding ring, and Nancy calls him "honey." Jack and Nancy might be shacking up.
  4. Jack doesn't have any shirts that aren't red, until he manages to graduate through ICS.
  5. Jack has father issues. He craves the approval of strange men.
  6. Jack's new boss can't decide if he's wearing glasses or not, from one scene to the next.
  7. Oh, how the times have changed! "A high school diploma is worth $80,000 over a lifetime!" Over a lifetime?!
  8. Check out the list of things you can study through ICS. They are not really interested in helping you make the big time. Just get you ahead enough to have an office job. And today, we find that to be dead end!
  9. I've spent way too long studying this ad.
  10. Now, so have you.

Thanks for reading. :)

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