
Patriotism doesn't automatically equal conservatism.

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The Registration Act "Peak" Allegiance Pledge - Starks Speech

Venezuelan Terrorist attacks on Peak Industries - Conference - Starks Speech

Venezuela "The Truth Revealed" - Live at Five Press Opinion

Peak Public Conference The Truth Revealed - Stark Public conference

Loose the Dogs of War - President declares war

Anthony Stark - You wanted the truth?...Confession.. - Starks confession

Peak industries new CEO + Starks resignation from Cabinet. - Resign

Anthony Stark Superficial Change - New Look for the meantime to Kill president + disguise

DarkKnightDetective vs Anthony_Stark - Saves Gothic City

Anthony Stark - Aforementioned aleatory - Talks about disguise

Mister Stark.....You're dying... - Getting Cancer

Alternative Thinking - Clara Mass and Stark Speak alliance

Premonition Vs Anthony_Stark - Closed RP - Stark Vs the President

Stark vs. Premonition Aftermath - The President Lives

Assassination Coronation - Stark is not a criminal anymore "mysteriously"

Anthony Stark - Presidential takeover - RP - Stark takes control of the President

Puppetry Without Strings - Closed RP - Controlling the president

The Harder They Fall - RP - CVnU Stark dies - Terminated

New Age Stark

Anthony Stark - Alternate Stark - New Alternate Universe Stark is introduced

The Mutagen - Defeating his brother Jacob Stark and fighting alongside the Hell Fire Club

The Errand of Anthony Stark - Informing Jacob Stark that Anthony is dead - Results in a fight once again

Cross Roads from the Edge RP - Finding somebody else from an alternate universe

President Stark - The Oath of Office - Winning the Presidential Election

The Incarceration - Arresting Mercy Sheridan after during the fall of Kamelot

Public Arrest Warrant - Ziccarra Liafador - Issuing the arrest warrant for Ziccarra