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DC Implosion Timeline 1975-1978

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Back in 1975, DC had this great idea to revamp their entire line, launching 57 new titles over four years. It was called The DC Explosion. What happened, however, was a cancellation of 65 titles - what has become known as The DC Implosion. Many of the titles were relaunches, and some were just bizarre but fun reads. Basically, it was throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks. Sound familiar? If you said to yourself, "New 52," then we're on the same page. So let's take a trip back in time, and see what four years did to the DC line...

I went to Fanzing for their great article on the Implosion, and their timeline, but there were some date discrepancies, so I went with the cover dates.

Something I couldn't find on CV (got the pic from Milehighcomics.com):

ONLY ISSUE: (11/78) Army At War #1.

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