dark_noldor's Guardians of the Galaxy #1 - Somebody's Got To Do It review

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    Infinite Universe

    Ok, so I´ve always liked the cosmos stories of Marvel, if I´d heard the word "infinite" or "Thanos", I´ve always knew something good was coming out of it. I´ve got a little strayed from the path - reading more mutants, avengers, hulk and green lantern - but then I realized: "Wait a minute. Got to go back to the way of the Force", so I´ve bought Guardians of The Galaxy #s 1 to 7, War of Kings #s 1 to 6 and I´m waiting to read Annihilation: Conquest and issues 8 to 12 and 13 to 17 of the Guardians. The deal here was I´m a huge fan od Dan Abnett's, Andy Lanning's and Paul Pelletier's comics- I´m following them wherever they go - so there was no doubt in buying those comics, since I was putting together the stories that I´ve loved for a long time with the artists that I admire. Ok, enough of the background, let´s go to the review: after the ground shocking events of the Annihilation: Conquest, Star Lord tries to put together a team to defend the fabric of the Universe. He calls Rocket Racoon (Yes, a furry beast from space, with lots of guns and a witty sense of humor), Gamorra (the green lady with muscles and skills), Adam Warlock, Quasar (a beautifull version - she´s a lady) and Drax (kill Thanos...duhhh, he´s dead already dude, get a life), and the team is assisted by Cosmo (a russian spacenaut...and a dog) and Mantis. Their first mission is to prevent a massive destruction of reality, since there´s a black hole sucking a Universal Church of Truth's ship and ready to explode. Good action scenes, nice dialogues (Peter Quill recruiting Racoon - completely drunk - in a bar with Groot is remarkable), explendid art from Pelletier (Negation, Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk etc) and a vivid color set makes this issue (and the run of this creative team) a must have and must read. Hope you guys enjoyed, 'cause I´ve surely did.

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