the_cyan_lantern's Detective Comics #866 - The Medallion review

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    People Of Gotham Always Make The Best Tale


       Recently released framed convict, Loomis, lies on his death bed as Dick revisits his past to make things right.

    The Good:

       To me, a good Gotham story takes place from the voice of the people. The story is narrated around 3 people (Dick, Mr. Loomis, and the Joker) to see how one day can effect 25 years for other people. That's when you know a story is good. But to revisit the past the reader doesn't want to see the same art. Dustin Nguyen is one of my favorite artist who can become one of those versatile artist that can draw any story and make it fit. When the reader sees present day we see the darkness of the time, but flash back to the past, we see the brightness of the golden age comics. That is not all this book delivers. We haven't seen the Joker until B&R  #12. However I'm not going to ruin what happens.

    The Bad:

        Does it sound like I'm complaining? 

    Vote: 4.5 out of 5

       If you like a good Gotham story like I do, you'll pick this up.

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