silkcuts's DC Comics Presents: Batman Irresistible #1 - 100-Page Spectacular review

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    • This review received 1 comments

    Feels like a leftover Aminal Man story.

    This book is a reprint of the story arc Irresistible as well as an Hourman story.  The covers are omitted and there are ads, this comic is almost a hybrid trade paperback. 
    The main-story is the Irresistible story arc, which felt like Tom Peyer had a leftover Animal Story and managed to sell it to the editors. The Premise there is a guy name Frank Sharp, who looks like a piranha.  Sharp has the ability to charm you if he shakes your hand.  Sharp abuses his power and this story sums up the old say of Absolute Power.  The story was entertaining enough, not mind blowing.
    The art is just fine, but I am starting to think Tony Harris needs new model's, many of these people looked like they belonged in Ex Machina.  Bruce Wayne alone looked like Mitch Hundred. Another problem I had with Harris art is that since Photo reference is so important to him, some of the art is stiff.
    I was bored silly with the Hourman story and wish something better was collected in this book.  Irresistible alone seems to expensive at $8.  I would suggest giving this book a flip and seeing if it artistically is something you may like, if not pass on it.
    - Silkcuts

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