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DARTH VADER #7 Provides Great Jumping-On Point and Plenty of Action!

It's the beginning of a new story arc and it's a fantastic time to jump into the Sith action.

Last arc introduced us to a side of Darth Vader that we've never seen before: one built on intrigue and skullduggery rather than the more crude, blunt instrument he was in A New Hope. The story culminated with the Emperor revealing that he's been doing some talent scouting and Vader's rivals revealed themselves. So the race is on to see who is worthy of standing at the Emperor's right hand and while there was some trepidation going into this issue, the concerns were unfounded. There's much to actively SPOIL, but this article WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR DARTH VADER #6 and #7.

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What Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca and Edgar Delgado gave us was one of the most interesting character studies in this universe and a story that helps to expand it moreso, even, than the core Star Wars title. This not only helps explain how the world got to where it is by the next film, but how Vader himself did.

A Great Time to Jump On

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There are a few reasons you might've skipped the first arc of this book. If villain-centered books aren't your thing, if you were trade-waiting, or if you'd just been burned one too many times by previous Star Wars titles and were adopting a more wait-and-see approach, for instance. Whatever the reason, if you're any kind of fan of Star Wars, you MUST read this book and this issue is a fantastic place to start while waiting for the trade. There are new characters on-hand, but the book deftly develops them and lets you know the stakes early on and without a lot of clunky explanation.

Bounty Hunters? We Sure Could Use That Scum...

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When I mentioned how much this series expands the Star Wars universe, even giving it more credit than the core title, this is a great example of what I mean. The core title still has that sense of grandiosity that the movies had, and that's to its credit, but when you want a universe to seem larger, one of the ways you do that is by focusing on the smaller things. This issue gives us a look at never before seen characters as well as catching us up on one who seemingly dropped off the map after only a single appearance. By making the setting more intimate, it actually adds to the feel of a coherent, complete galaxy.

More and More Intrigue and Deception

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The Darth Vader in this title is frequently engaged with actions and behaviors that he himself likely considers beneath him, and they likely are, but that he does anyway out of a sense of duty. The way he comports himself during these is the key to what's making him such an interesting and intriguing character, as is his use of imperial resources and allies. It does a great job of making the Empire into the threat it should feel like and lets the reader know why even a loss as devastating as the Death Star isn't the end for this galaxy-spanning Empire.

Darth Vader is iconic and that means a lot of things for anyone trying to create new art around him, most of which involves a heavy risk. People have a very clear idea of WHO Darth Vader is in their own mind, and Gillen, Larroca and Delgado understand how to expand Vader's character while still being extremely loyal to it.