Comic Vine News


Comic Vine Battle of the Week: Zombie Apocalypse Scenario

We're switching it up this week! Since 'The Walking Dead' is coming back this Sunday, we want to know who YOU think would rule in a city filled with zombies.

The Walking Dead finally returns this Sunday, and we here at Comic Vine think that's definitely worth celebrating. So, what better way is there to get pumped than to imagine our favorite characters slaying waves upon waves of the undead? Okay, maybe reading Robert Kirkman's comic is also a pretty good way to prepare for the show's fourth season, but this is going to be a bloody good time as well. We have 12 options on the poll and we want to see who you think will survive the longest when thrown into this bleak situation!

There's a lot of rules for this scenario, so please be sure to read all of them before jumping into the poll and casting your vote. Seriously, it'll only take a minute or two of your time. Posting something which clearly goes against the rules will only make you look silly, and you don't want to look silly, do you? Anyhow, check out the rules and have fun thinking about this gruesome scenario!

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Comic Vine Battle of the Week Rules

  • The zombies are walkers but still capable of shuffling at faster speeds and can indeed smell non-zombies in the local region (assuming they don't cover their scent, that is). They're going on pure instinct and will do anything and everything possible to go after a character if they notice them. Just like many other zombie portrayals, only damage to the brain will truly keep them down permanently.
  • One bite is a death sentence. It doesn't matter if it's Carl or Wolverine, either will be dead 30 minutes later. The characters are aware of this and aware the world has been taken over by zombies.
  • Everyone has standard gear and unlimited ammo for basic weaponry (bullets/throwing projectiles/arrows). This doesn't mean they're weighed down by a sea of extra magazines and gear, though. Instead, think of it simply like a video game -- an extra magazine or item is there when they need it. However, items such as explosives and other special/unique gear are limited in supply.
  • Characters are not allowed to do something which would make it impossible for the zombies to reach them for a prolonged period of time. The combatants are on the move and looking to survive, but they will totally never camp and set up shop for an extended period of time, either. They can seek safety for required rest/food/etc, but once that is over, assume they'll venture back out into the chaos and remain on the move. How they'll act while out is of course open to debate.
  • All characters are in our version of Manhattan (that means there are no fictional safe houses they may have in place in their own worlds). Everyone else in the city (18+ million) is infected. These threats are scattered all throughout the city and yes, there are large groups in plenty of locations. The sewers and rooftops, however, are totally off limits. This is supposed to be a challenge, after all.
  • All characters/teams begin a fair distance apart and are obviously not visible. The characters have one simple objective: stay on the move and survive. Manhattan's a big place, so let's assume they each begin in completely different areas and on the street level. They are unable to leave the city and all vehicles are disabled. The city's power is out and this scenario begins an hour before sunset. The infection happened quickly and without ample warning, so many of the stores are still filled with supplies.
  • What happens if they potentially bump into one another is up for debate. You can argue why some may team up, or you can argue why some may avoid others or try to take them out.
  • I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm super proud of you for reading all of the rules. Give yourself a pat on the back before clicking the following link!


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Viners, you have the week to research, debate and vote! This means there's no reason to vote right away if you don't have all of the info you need to make an educated decision. Check the homepage Friday for an updated article with the following:

  • My extended thoughts on the match.
  • A Viner Argument in favor of the poll's winner (can't include scans and must be in the poll thread).
  • Extra thoughts from other Comic Vine staffers.
  • If we're lucky, blurbs from industry talent.

Feel free to make future match suggestions in the comments below or via Gregg's Twitter page.