Comic Vine News


Banshee's Getting Cast in X-Men: First Class, Too?

And he's going to be a kid?

 Is that you, Sean Cassidy?
 Is that you, Sean Cassidy?

Alright, X-MEN: FIRST CLASS is clearly mixing and matching these mutants’ respective ages. Yesterday, we found out that Alice Eve was in negotiations to play Emma Frost and, now, Latino Review’s reporting that Caleb Landry Jones is leading the pack of actors in consideration for Banshee.  He’s going to be the Facebook movie, THE SOCIAL NETWORK, and THE LAST EXORCISM, but he’s probably best known for being one of the bicycle-riding boys who come across Javier Bardem at the end of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that Coen Bros’ movie, but I want to say he’s the one who gives Javier the shirt off his back.

Anyway, we’re talking about the original Banshee here, of course.  Not the current Banshee, Theresa Rourke. She already made an appearance in X2 as Siryn and I sincerely doubt that there’s going be to a single line commenting on any connection between the two. And does there really need to be?  == TEASER ==

 That's Banshee up there in the back.
 That's Banshee up there in the back.

I find this rumor a bit amusing given that we just got an actress for Emma Frost yesterday. Banshee’s been around since the 60s, but his time as headmaster of GENERATION X will be the character’s most definitive era in my mind. And you might recall that his co-headmaster in those days was none other than Emma Frost. They were even featured in that made-for-TV GENERATION X movie Fox put out in ’96, wherein Banshee was played by Jeremy Ratchford (who ALSO voiced the character in the 90s X-MEN cartoon.) Anyway, I bring all that up because there’s enough an age gap between Jones and Eve that I’d bet they’re going to portray him as a teen and her as an adult, mixing and matching the time line like I just described.

Do we have any lads and lasses in the Comic Vine community who’re big Banshee fans? Are you shrieking with delight over him finally getting to be on the big screen? Or are you wailing with horror over the prospect of him possibly getting muddled in a possibly convoluted X-MEN: FIRST CLASS?

-- Tom Pinchuk is the writer of UNIMAGINABLE for Arcana Studios and HYBRID BASTARDS! for Archaia. HYBRID BASTARDS! is available  here and UNIMAGINABLE is available here for pre-order on