herx's Titans #24 - Rude Awakenings review

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    New team, new objective, new Titans

    So for all of you who're out of the loop Titans #24 followes up on the foundation left by Titans villains fore hire, not 23, so if your intrested in this issue you'd only have to buy one back issue ( if any at all, as villains for hire is not relavent for this issue ).  
    So we open to titans tower where Osiris and Wondergirl are talking about how Osiris should turn himself in as ecen heroes are not above the law. Osiris flyes off as Casie tries to calm him down, and as he flyes off she claims that he'll be back as he has nowhere els to go. We then go to Slades Titans secret location ( and secret is the main word here as Slade has a room which only he may enter. ) We get some banter between the characters, setting up the future team developments between Osiris and Cinder, and Tattooed man and Cheshire. We then move to the Titans newest mission, their objective, unknown till the end, baut maby youd like to hinder a guess ( youll be suprised ), so we have the team talking about the attack, note Osiris's objection to the killing ( possible plot development there ). Anyways, we have the attack on the target and then............ (buy to finde out). 
    So here comes the summery. Titans #24 was a good issue and well worth the buy. The previous titans issues didnt really live up to the "titan" title that had been created over many years of comic history, but this new series seems to be able to live up to it ( in this readers opinion anyways........ and thats worth about hald a ham sandwich and a cold cup of tea ). Development points have been placed in this issue, which only became realized by me a few houers after reading it ( i was tired..... still am, so this review may not be up to my usual lower than low standerds ) and im intresting in seeing how it would develop in future issues. Now in titans villains fore hire i commented on how i thought that the art was good, but could have been reversed with the art used for the flashbacks, for this issue i must alter that statment and say that i was wrong the first time. I now see what the mood of the series is like, and feal as though the art can portray it well ( not to mention the awsum image of Osiris at the start of the mission ). Now the overall story is, well, ummmm, well the main point is that no one knows what Slades objectives are, and that dose seem to confue me at the beginning of the issues, as this objective seems to be one of the pieces missing from this story, making it flow well at the beginning. Maby after its revield in later issues i'll re-read this one and make more sence out of it.  
    So over all Titans #24 was a refreshing re-boot ( or continuation ) of the Titans series thats caught my intrest. Its also the perfect place for newbies of the series to jump in, as there's only been one issue with the team together, and that was only important in introducing the team and developments for the Atom. As well as all of this this Titans is a Brightest day tie in ( as you can tell from the top of the cover ), and it dose deserve that title, as Osiris's development starts here ( and the connections to the idea of brightest day, as far as i know it, are more obviouse than in villains for hire ) and it seems to be a goodie. So overall i gave this a 4.5/5 
    It was a refreshing continuation/reboot of an already existing series. The characters hvae enough space to develop and theres a lot of promise for the series. So if you already havent i'd buy this......now......... or maby tomorow.............. your choice............. just saying...... :)

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