ryonslaught's New Avengers #15 - Secrets & Lies, Pt. 2 review

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    The press


    Mz. Marvel/Warbird is battling Klaw after he escapes his containment cell while she transported him to prison. She gets knocked about for a bit before realizing her power absorption ability can also siphon his power. Once it’s over she heads to since that’s where the New Avengers have apparently holed up.

    They meet and greet and she has a talk with cap about the house of M situation where she was literally the premiere hero of the day. Cap invites her to join the team but she declines decided instead to work on herself for awhile.

    The team is about to meet the press when Wolvie decides it’s just not his “thing”, Spiderman laments eh is uncertain as well with his past press problems. Cap decides to have the team try and spin some positive publicity for him. They invite the daily

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    bugle head Jameson and offer him exclusive right to Avengers info he agrees by shaking Spiderman’s hand. They then meet with the press and are showered with praise.

    Next day they realize that Jameson has run his own story lambasting the team for having Cage, Wolvie, Spiderwoman and spiderman on the team. Jessica leaves and reports everything that has happened to her Hydra contact.


    The Good!

    Art continues to be a major highlight and the script was well crafted. It was cool of Bendis to have carol do the whole blogging thing as thought bubbles, since blogging was all the rage when this issue came out :P

    The exchanges between Carol and Cap were great! It showed how far their friendship has progressed. The first time they were on team together she was a hot head drunk who almost got herself killed during the “live kree or die” storyline in the late 90’s she eventually quit when cap gave her a stern talking to. Here they are now buddy buddy since a whole ton of stuff has happened since. Namely her BFF wanda destroyed the avengers and killed a few teammates said BFF then warped reality to House of M…yeah! There is a lot of baggage between these two but for Cap…man for good ole Cap all that matter is how she is.

    Also loved the Wolvie spidey apprehension to the press. When Johan came in and then shook spidey’s hand my mouth hit the floor literally! Of course when he later did his own thing I snickered thinking that’s my Jonah! Lol

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    This also led to think….how credible is the daily bugle? It seems like a papratzi induced celebrity basher to me…..Jonah doesn’t much care for facts only opinions. (shrugs)

    Cap also had a powerful presence throughout the issue, he came off so cool……its so weird….I read the thing over and thought “damn this duded is cool” it really was a resounding speech that resonated with long time avengers fans + for me this was almost on the eve of civil war so I really realized Cap taking some serious center stage. Love it!

    Finally we are left wondering still who’s side Jess is on as she reports on the team to hydra, though in light of Secret Invasion she is playing all sides against the middle. brilliant Bendis simply brilliant!

    The Bad!

    While the issue was a great character piece for Cap, wolvie, spidey and Jess had great lines and some screen time…..Sentry just stands there……at this point I’m still wandering why the *&%$# is he here? As filler? What’s the point of him being here bendis? Issue also had action that won’t leave everyone happy

    The Ugly!



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