twisted17's The Flash #205 - Ignition, Part Five: Secrets review

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    The last page of the last issue already gave us the biggest thing to look forward to in this issue. Wally West gets an unexpected visit from the Dark Knight who's started to get recollections of Flash's existence. Piecing together all the information of Wally's family and friends in Keystone, Batman deduces Flash's identity and tries to get him back to his right frame of mind. It takes Batman to reveal his identity to let Wally's memory start to flood back in about the entire JLA and everything about his life as the Flash. This is revealed to be some sort of fail-safe trigger added by Spectre Hal to give Wally back his memories, much to the dismay of Batman.

    Wally's conversation with Batman was arguably a classic. Batman's profound respect for Barry Allen and his deductive skills are highlights, while Wally starts to come to terms of his existence as the Flash and how Linda will be able to deal with it. As if that wasn't bad enough, Zoom's estranged wife Ashley Zolomon arrives in Keystone as the new Rogue Profiler for KCPD, taking Hunter's place on the force. Her first altercation with Wally to try and make amends doesn't pan out as she'd hoped, as Wally is unforgiving.

    The whole "Ignition" arc has been one dark take on the Flash considering all the tragedy he's gone through, and its been a damn fine one too. I said it in my review for #201 that I'd look forward to all these issues for this arc, and so far I am not disappointed. Batman's frankness in his respect for Barry Allen was my favorite part all over, as quite honestly you can picture Barry being the Positive to Batman's Negative, which Batman himself admits.

    Also, just out of curiosity, could anyone point out just what Batman has to say to Jordan after returning to Gotham?

    Overall, read the entire arc; this is one Flash story not to be missed.

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