Comic Vine Review


Teen Titans #7 - Assault on Project 13


The team has to decide whether or not they will try to save Superboy, who they recently fought. Secrets are revealed and the team has a lot to deal with.

The Good

We're finally seeing the group act together as a team. Like it or not, leadership has fallen to Red Robin. Through certain events, they come to realize that Superboy's actions against N.O.W.H.E.R.E. have placed him in a dangerous position. What gives this a slightly more realistic approach is the team isn't going to immediately come to the agreement that saving and helping Superboy is the right thing to do. This is the kid that they recently fought who happened to be working for N.O.W.H.E.R.E. If this comic was written twenty or thirty years ago, they would have immediately rushed to save Superboy. Seeing the team debate this mission gives the feeling that these are real kids. They're not going to always want to do the right thing. This is also going to make leading the team a little more difficult for Tim.

Throughout the issue, we also get some subtle revelations on some of the characters. Sprinkling these in during the main story gives it a little extra oomph as you're reading. You can see that as the current story is progressing, the doors are being opened for other events to play out. It lets us know that Lobdell hasn't forgotten the questions that most of us have been asking throughout the first six issues.

It's also worth noting that in a small gesture, we see Tim acting in a slightly Batman-manner. This is Tim as Red Robin after all. He's not the light-hearted kid he was early in his career. If he's going to take on the leadership of a team, he's going to have to make some hard choices. He's also trying to keep an eye on the big picture, something that is likely to cause conflict amongst his teammates.

The art and color work together to complete the story. There are times it almost feels like we're seeing special effects popping out of the pages. Each character's design is coming together and starting to feel like it's their true look. Specifically I find myself getting used to Tim and Bart's new costumes and thinking less about what they wore pre-New 52.

The Bad

Sometimes a decision has to be made in how to move the story forward. How it was known and decided that Superboy needed saving felt as if it was a sudden decision. Having a drown out search for clues wouldn't make an exciting read but the person that came to the conclusion he needed help felt a little out of place.

I'm digging the art but there was a couple times I had to give it a second look. Cassie appeared to have huge muscular arms in a couple panels and then looked a little slimmer in others. Not a major problem but something that popped out at me.

We are approaching the end (I think) of the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. story. They've been proving to be a formidable opponent and it's given a way to introduce the new characters and make a connection to SUPERBOY. It is time to bring it to a close. It looks as if that may be happening next issue. As much as I'm enjoying them, I'm ready to see the team face some other opponents.

The Verdict

Scott Lobdell continues to tell the story of a bunch of teenage superheroes. The title gives the members a more realistic take on young heroes as we see their personalities emerge rather than them rush out to save the world each day. Lobdell also doesn't dwell on the teen angst angle that we've seen too many times. There is plenty of action, adventure and fun mixed together as we're seeing the Teen Titans reunite with Superboy on different terms now. You can feel Brett Booth diving into the art duties as each character does their part throughout the issue and Andrew Dalhouse's colors compliment it all. The story involving N.O.W.H.E.R.E. appears to be coming to a conclusion which is what I'm looking forward to. Lobdell does offer some other revelations and teases throughout that gives that extra desire to come back for more each and every month. If that wasn't enough, there's a nice juicy cliffhanger at the end that should do the trick.