matkrenz's Teen Titans #97 - A Call To Arms review

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    Review of issue #97 of Teen Titans. 
    The Story: The team defeats Rankor by throwing a skull at hi...... I mean Solstice blasting him with light energy. 
    The Good: NIcola Scott delivers good art as always. She gives great detail in all she does on each pages and makes the characters emote very well. There were some good character intereactions in this issue. 
    The Bad: At first I was interested in Solstice and I still am but this battle against the Rankor didn't really do much with the character, it didn't really give her any big revelations and the parallel between her and the Hindi god Rani doesn't continue here wich was an interesting angle given to the chararcter. Really Rankor was kinda a crap villain, because I know we wont be seeing him ever again and we wont be seeinh Solstice after September, or maybe not, I don't know. ALso the subplot of Raven feeling ill in the demon world is dropped and deosn't have any real resolution. 
    The Verdict: Really this arc feels pintless for many of the characters, Solstice doesn't change at the end of this arc but at least the art is nice. Don't get this.

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