Comic Vine Review


Spider-Island: Cloak & Dagger #1 - Part 1


Cloak and Dagger dust off the boots to face a whole new set of problems: this time, with Mister Negative!

"Good" and "Cloak and Dagger" have rarely been in the same sentences together. For all the effort that goes into making a series that works for them, there are little results to prove it. However, as Spider Island rolls around, we get a look at Ty and Tandy, and how they've been doing the last little while.

The Good

There's actually a lot to like about this issue. It's kind of in this self-referential state where Cloak and Dagger are aware of how mediocre they've been in the past, and how they seem to be shoved to the background of most comics. Hell, there's even a scene where Iron Fist wants Cloak to teleport them somewhere two blocks away: this illustrates the role they've been kind of pigeon-holed into.

I mean, the last time we saw anything major from each of them was Civil War (and the aftermath, in Dark X-Men), and even then it was only to teleport Captain America's Avengers around.

This issue also recaps a lot of hanging plot threads about the team, like their mutant status and their time on Utopia with the X-Men. I almost feel a little bad for Cloak and Dagger; they have so much potential as a duo, but they don't seem to be utilized in an effective manner for long.

I also really liked the duality of the comics' captions: having a set for Cloak and a set for Dagger really let us get inside both heroes' heads without it being at the expense of the other. I liked how their thoughts seemed to clash a bit; this will probably play a big role in the story to come.

The Bad

This issue ends kind of anti-climactically; it really gives me the impression that both of these characters won't be involved in a Spider-Man story, just merely with Spider-Man villains. I'm intrigued to see where this series goes, however, and will definitely be picking up the second issue.

The Verdict

At three issues, this mini-series seems to be a bit of a "standard" comic book story, if anything. If I had to guess, it might even fill the "Tie-In That Has Nothing To Do With The Main Story" space on my Crossover Bingo card.

However, due to some self-deprecating humour and the light-hearted tone, I give this book a hearty thumbs up. If it can keep on the right course, it will be a great tie-in coming out of Spider Island.


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