Comic Vine Review


The Flash #119 - Who Is Harrison Wells?


Everyman is on the loose!

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Note: There will be spoilers ahead.


On this week's episode of The Flash, some of the group is heading to Starling City to uncover what happened during the car crash Dr Wells was in 15 years ago. Caitlin is going to stay back.

Eddie investigates a woman who was caught on camera stealing, but she swears it isn't her. Eddie thinks that it may be a metahuman. Barry agrees.

At STAR Labs, Barry tries to talk to Caitlin but she doesn't believe that Wells is the Reverse Flash. However, Eddie thinks he found the guy who stole the diamonds from the bank vault. Flash makes it there but the thief can change into whomever he wants by touching them.

Over in Starling City, Joe and Cisco investigate the car crash by talking to the SCPD. Laurel Lance shows up and pulls Cisco aside and reveals she's the Black Canary. She needs help with her device and Cisco can help modify it.

Eddie and Barry are onto the metahuman suspect, Hannibal Bates AKA Everyman.They talk to his grandmother. She goes to get the two some coffee, but she disappears. It's Everyman! Barry chases after him at regular speed because he's not sure if Everyman can reproduce powers. Two cops pull up to help and Eddie approaches them and shoots them.

Back at the station, Eddie has been arrested for shooting the police and there's video of him doing the shooting.

Cisco using high tech equipment to investigate where the crash took place. Cisco finds something.

Eddie shows up and Barry's house and says he was released. Barry turns around and Eddie knocks him out. It's Everyman and he touches Barry and becomes him. Caitlin shows up and talks to Barry and she names Everyman.... Everyman.

Cisco, Joe, and the Starling City police officer are digging and discover a body. The officer wants to call it in but Joe explains that anyone who knows about this might be in danger if it comes out.

Caitlin brings Barry (Everyman) to STAR Labs and he asks about the serum to stop Everyman. He kisses Caitlin. Iris shows up. She explains about crimes being committed where people say they're innocent. The Eddie that shot people was left handed. Wells comes up from behind and shocks Barry because this Barry was left-handed.

Caitlin and Iris take Everyman to the police station but before they get there, he changes into a little girl at a stop light and gets away after calling some construction workers over.

Joe talks to the Captain of SCPD about the case. Laurel approaches Cisco and he has a modified the item for her. Cisco names it the Canary Cry because he's awesome and Laurel gives him an envelope. In it is a picture of Black Canary and him.

Wells lets everyone know that Everyman cannot duplicate Barry's powers so Barry can go after him. Everyman has Barry's cell phone and he's at the airport, so Barry is off. Barry finds him at the airport but gets maced. Everyman changes into the people that Barry cares about. Everyman changes into the Flash, but he's not as fast. Flash injects him and Everyman changes back into Iris and faints.

Surveillance footage is shown to the Captain showing Everyman changing. Eddie is released and Iris is there to meet him. Eddie says he was hiding something from her and tells Iris he's been working with the Flash.

Caitlin is shown the dead body of Harrison Wells. At the police station, Wells meets Joe. Wells asks Joe about Starling City. At STAR Labs, Cisco looks at the blueprints for STAR Labs and finds a section that shouldn't be there. A door opens up and Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry enter to see the Reverse Flash costume. They discover the newspaper from the future, where Flash goes missing.


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Iris' wall towards Eddie is frustrating. He has secrets. He's a cop, and it's hard to understand why she can't accept that. Sure, everything by the end of the episode is all wrapped up, as Eddie reveals he's working with the Flash, but Iris has been a bit frustrating the past few episodes. Hopefully, this is all behind them.

There's some sweet, very Big Trouble in Little China music when Eddie first chases down Everyman. I kept expecting the Lords of Death to show up.

Can we just give Cisco his own show already? I don't care if he's "Vibe" or just Cisco, but the character is the best part of the show. The scene with him fanboying-out over the Black Canary is adorable and awesome. It all pays off in the end when he gets a picture of him and Canary hanging out. He's not just the comic relief though. His character really allows a lot of the scenes and overall story to move forward, especially when it comes to finding sweet, hidden rooms at STAR Labs.

The bond growing between Barry and Eddie is pretty fantastic. From the start, because of his name and now because of who we know he's related to, it's been hard to trust this character, but he and Barry have grown pretty close and are working together extremely well. It seems that most of this came about while Iris and Eddie were arguing, and while that sucks for Eddie, it strengthens the bond between the group as a whole.

Barry as the Flash is the worst kept secret in comic book television. Everyone knows, including Black Canary now.

The ending showing Everyman trying to turn into Hannibal Bates was pretty cool and extremely creepy. The guy is bald and has no eyes. It's a faceless man, essentially. If we see this guy in the future, that's the look he should go with when not transforming. It's moderately terrifying. Wait, are any of these bad guys coming back at all or are they just going to hang out in the make-shift prison forever?

Caitlin finally finds out the truth and Cisco gets the proof he needs, even though he had those visions, that Wells is the Reverse Flash. It's the moment we've all been waiting for as they find that hidden room and it works really well, as the trio is pretty shocked at what they find. It's a quiet moment that works exceptionally well, as some music plays in the background with Reverse Flash's signature movement sound laid over the music.

This was a solid episode and really does move the season-long storyline forward, but the problem is that the villain of the week portion of the show took up a bit too much time this week. Everyman was a cool character but it felt so formulaic, like the rest of the villain storylines. The Wells stuff was the awesome stuff and there wasn't enough. However, this still was a ton of fun.