Comic Vine Review


The Amazing Spider-Man #679 - I Killed Tomorrow, Part 2 of 2: A Date With Predestiny


Spider-Man races against time to prevent Manhattan from being devastated, but does the answer lie with fists or... SCIENCE!?

The Good

There were a number of things involved with this issue that left me with a large, goofy grin on my face. It was easily the best thing I read this week, and it has all the elements for a classic two-part superhero story.

I think it's important to note that it was Peter Parker that saved the day, not Spider-Man. Having Spidey stressing about all the things he needed "to do", only to come up with an inventive solution in the last couple minutes highlighted Pete's ability to think on his feet and his inventiveness as a scientist. Having a little kick in the right direction from MJ did not hurt, either.

The issue also shined from having a great supporting cast, each bringing their own strengths into the book. Scraps' involvement added exactly what this story needed: a foil for Spider-Man that was just as smart as he was, but not overbearing. To be honest, it felt like another Peter (of course, with his own character) was riding shotgun to Spider-Man; it felt more right than weird.

The Bad

Not much, to be honest. I'm not the biggest fan of Humberto Ramos' artwork, but that's a personal preference, not a detriment to the book. Honestly, I feel like his cartoony style was a bit more subdued than it usually was, here. Either that, or I'm warming up to him.

The Verdict

I don't give five-star reviews often because I usually reserve them for books or issues that blow me away. While this issue wasn't one that left me pondering my life and how I should change it, it reminded me how superhero stories can be well-paced with decent helpings of dialog, exposition and action.

This book felt maybe 10 pages longer than it actually was, but not in a bad way: it's a testament to Slott's writing ability that he can cram that much narrative into an issue without it feeling cluttered.

In short, if you're a fan of classic capes action, you should be reading this book; it manages to remain simple, compelling and — perhaps most importantly — one of the strongest titles Marvel is putting out.


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