Comic Vine Review


Injustice: Gods Among Us #10 - Chapter 10


Superman confronts Batman and Wonder Woman tries to reason with Aquaman. PETA members, don't read this one!

The Good

Happy Injustice day, everyone! Another Tuesday means another new chapter and, luckily for us, the comic has yet to let us down. Chapter Ten returns to the key characters -- Superman and Batman-- and throws Aquaman into the fray.

Needless to say, seeing Damian and Nightwing right on the first page (and with dialogue!) immediately piqued my interest -- I'm a fanboy like that, I suppose. We catch the two during a training session and the dialogue provides some heavy insight on where they stand in this dilemma (if you know the characters remotely well, their choices should be obvious). Without having them flat out split apart, writer Tom Taylor makes it clear which side these characters will stand by in the coming conflict with some casual banter and it does nothing but add to the mounting anticipation.

We've waited a few chapters for it to happen, and now Bruce and Clark finally interact for the first time since the Joker incident. For the most part, the conversation goes down exactly how you think it would -- and that isn't a bad thing at all. Both stand their ground firmly on the subject and both arguments do indeed make sense. I particularly love how this argument isn't dumbed down to make Superman clearly in the wrong. If we didn't already know what the future holds, there could be some legitimate debates over how Superman's actions could truly benefit the world. Sadly, we know that's not how things go down, but that's by no means this book's fault so I can't hold it against it. One thing's for sure, though, the dialogue transitions into some really bleak territory and provides a possibly heavy dose of foreshadowing.

Diana's abrupt change of heart might be tough for some to swallow, but she's clearly reacting out of anger and I think it's fitting. If I even stub my toe I need to be avoided for a few moments, so I can only imagine a scenario like that. Additionally. it's quite a fun tease for the next chapter. Shazam and Green Lantern throwing down against Atlanteans? Yes, please!

The Bad

Unfortunately, I found Mike S. Miller's facial work to be pretty awkward and that detracted from the experience for me. There's a scene where Superman rips off Bruce's mask and the two appear to be identical twins as they stand face to face. I have the same issue with a majority of the male characters -- facial structure and expressions appear to be quite similar and the only strong differences tend to be found in the hair.

Very minor point here, but I couldn't help but laugh during Diana's chat with Arthur. Not because of the dialogue but because of how Arthur is positioned. At first he's standing confidently with his shoulders above the water, but before we know it he's merely a head barely floating above the surface. It's kind of tough to be imposing when you look like you're having difficulty doggy paddling. Maybe I'm just odd, but I found that to be hilarious.

The Verdict

I seriously feel like a broken record here. Every Tuesday a new chapter comes out, and every Tuesday I sing its praise. This is a hugely entertaining tale packed into short and immensely enjoyable chapters. Superman's actions are now reaching Atlantis and that is absolutely something to be thrilled about. We know Aquaman will play a big role in the upcoming game (or at least trailers have implied this), so what's to come should absolutely be a mandatory reading experience for anyone interested in the game. Plus, we're about to see Shazam potentially throwdown. That alone is something I refuse to miss!