Comic Vine Review


Elektra #7 - Double Tap: Part 2 of 2


Lady Bullseye's back for more and now she has a new ability: intangibility!

The Good

Wow, writer W. Haden Blackmansure knows how to make Elektra a total badass. This chapter is action-packed and the character never fails to impress as she leaps into a fight. Without spoiling anything big, I'll say she suffers a pretty decent injury and then goes on to obliterate every single obstacle in her way. It's hugely impressive. ELEKTRA #7 shows just how swift, skilled and tough she truly is. It also portrays her as a smart fighter. She's not just going for hits that are open to her; she's analyzing her enemies and finding ways to best each one in the most effective manner. From facing an intangible foe to a variety of targets with a slew of abilities, she's able to adapt and find jaw-dropping ways to overcome the odds. If you ever questioned Elektra's formidability as an assassin, this is an issue you really need to read. If it doesn't make you respect her skill, I just don't know what will.

The best part is Blackman's not just dishing out cool action scene after cool action scene. There's a lot of style and substance to be found in this series. He's still giving us a good insight into Elektra's head as these events unfold. A lot of it is there to emphasize her talents as a fighter, but it continues to give me a better emotional connection to the character, too. The inner dialogue feels organic and never over-the-top or unnecessary. It's just enough to give her some depth, enhance what's going on in the panel, and make us like her a little more than we already did. The story is moving along at a nice pace as well. In just two issues, the conflict with the Assassins Guild reaches a new and very promising development. It's interesting to see we're already saying goodbye to her supporting cast (or so it seems), but it's an understandable development considering what just happened and the path she's about to take. Assuming the book isn't cancelled (which would be incredibly disappointing), I'm hoping Blackman has a way to reintroduce these characters later on. Regarding what comes next, a certain name is dropped -- one that Elektra has a lot of history with -- so it leaves me very anxious to see what'll happen. This upcoming arc has a ton of potential to be an exciting and emotional ride. Here's hoping it delivers on both of those qualities.

The Bad

As entertaining as Blackman's script may be, it was Michael Del Mundo's brilliant artwork which turned this book into a real jaw-dropper. In the last issue, there were moments where I really enjoyed Alex Sanchez's work (it's a more realistic take on character physique), but here, I can't help but feel like it's just okay. Some of the character work feels rigid and towards the end there's a few panels which seem very rushed. Colorist Esther Sanz makes all of the effects and locations eye-catching, but these pages just don't pack the same kind of punch they once did. I will say the character work tends to thrive with the action, though, and thankfully, there's a good amount of that.

Minor gripe: The confrontation with Lady Bullseye seemed to reach a pretty swift conclusion. I know Elektra's a no-nonsense kind of fighter, but after the buildup and animosity, I was surprised to see it wrap up so suddenly. It's still a badass and entertaining fight, but I was hoping for a little more before it ended.

The Verdict

ELEKTRA may no longer have mind-blowing visuals, but that doesn't prevent it from still being all kinds of exciting. Blackman's script is fast-paced and does a great job balancing thrills and personality. Under Blackman's writing, Elektra's a total boss and a character I just can't get enough of. This chapter's full of energetic action and moments that'll make you recognize just how deadly and impressive Elektra can be. When the dust has finally settled, there's a brief and somewhat emotional moment as the hype is built for the next story. The stage has been set and I'm very anxious to see what'll happen next. Love action and good writing? Do yourself a favor and read ELEKTRA.