Comic Vine Review


Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1 - Chapter 1: From America With Love...And No Backsies!


There's a new digital Infinite comic starring Deadpool. This will lead into a certain big event in the regular series in April.

The Good

A weekly Deadpool digital comic? Written by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn? Yes please. If you're not a fan of digital comics, there will be a printed version available but you'll lose out on some of the added art/features of the Infinite Comics format.

If you've been reading the main DEADPOOL series, you know it's not full of your typical Deadpool stories. Duggan and Posehn are loading the issues with comedy (and violence) but there's more to it than that. The recent storyline, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, created some pretty big developments for Wade. It actually had a big affect on him and we're still seeing some fall out over it here. That's just one thing that makes this interesting - seeing the connection to the main series.

To try to deal with the recent events, Deadpool decided to go to London. We're sort of thrown into the action as he's in the middle of a fight...on a helicopter. You know that can't end well. All the while, with the promise that this 13-part series will lead into some big event in the regular series in April, you'll find yourself glued to each panel, searching for clues. (Check out this INTERVIEW with Gerry Duggan if you missed the news).

Of course having Reilly Brown back drawing Deadpool is pretty sweet. This is another reason to go for the Infinite Comic format. You get a little more art compared to what must be in the printed format.

If you haven't read an Infinite Comic before, there will be subtle changes in panels and dialogue as you 'swipe' the page. This really works when you see Deadpool healing from an injury or during his...theme song title scene. Trust me, it's better you read it for yourself rather than have me try to explain the beauty of it.

The Bad

The Infinite Comic part does work well but there are some moments, especially in the beginning, with no Infinite effects. This can easily be overlooked when you see some of the glory in other areas (I loved the part with the umbrella).

You get plenty of story but is it bad that I immediately wanted more?

The Verdict

If you're a fan of Deadpool and you're digging the series by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn, you really should get this Infinite Comic. This is a 13-part story that does "matter" as it will tie into the main series. The Infinite approach gives you an enhanced story with the chance to see more of Reilly Brown's art. It's a fun story. Deadpool's in London and he ends up fighting a vampire. What more could you want? Do yourself a favor and walk (don't run, you might trip) to your smart phone or tablet (or computer) and buy this book.