Comic Vine Review


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #107 - The Hub


Get ready for 'Level 8.' Too bad it just might mean bad news for some of the Agents.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to give us more of the same. While the show can still be enjoyed on some levels, this episode was another average one.

We jump in on the middle of a mission with Agent Coulson. It's soon upgraded to Level 8. That means it's classified business and the majority of his team accepts the fact that they'll have to operate 'in the dark' since they do not have that clearance.

What's interesting about there being higher levels of classified business is there could be more to this side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that we are unable to see. At the same time, the show still doesn't quite have the same feel or vibe from the Marvel Studios films. Each episode deals mainly with the problem or bad guy of the week. We're not really seeing any major aspects of the Marvel Universe. Of course we're not going to see the big budget super FX action we see in the movies but as we get more and more movies, this show feels more separated as a standard spy-type TV show.

That being said, we do get the introduction of Victoria Hand. It's an interesting choice and hopefully a character we'll see more of in future episodes. With the Level 8 mission, Agent Ward and Fitz have to go out on a dangerous two-man mission. That means, prepare for the comedy. In some ways I'm becoming more accepting of the bits of humor. It could be hearing the snickering from my daughter as we watch. The downside to that is the feeling it's becoming further from what comic fans thought the show could be. It's strange that with the announcement of TV shows focusing on Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage, this show continues to avoid the essence of any Marvel concepts.

With the mission involving Ward and Fitz, we do see more bonding and growing among the team members. As the situation gets more dire, we're seeing them move together and willing to do what it takes for each other. So at least we're seeing some slight character building.

As for the weekly dose of the Agent Coulson Mystery, Tahiti is brought up yet again. Did you know it was a "magical place"? More importantly, we get a little more information on the big mystery from Skye's past.

It's hard to say where this show is going. With the tiny bits of the mysteries with Coulson and Skye, we have a small connecting plot. Mostly it all revolves around whatever the mission of the week is. As far as a television show goes, at least we're getting some sort of Marvel content on the small screen each week. It feels like we could be getting more. I may sound like I'm coming down on the show but it's only because there is the potential for more. Next week's episode, for example, will have a tie-in to Thor: The Dark World. Perhaps that will be a game-changer episode. The show's ratings are dropping but let's hope there are some big things yet to come.