the_mighty_monarch's Resurrection Man #12 - The Reborn Identity review

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    One Last Death Before The End

    Leave it to Francisco Francavilla to deliver us an outstanding cover right before the end. It's a little awkward the way Mitch covers up the figure in the background, but it's a compelling intentional awkward. There's something just so grippingly off about this cover, like it's two different covers smashed together. Mitch also just looks fantastic as he decays into the wind, and mysterious figure's eyes are pretty eerie as well.

    This issue begins in a very interesting way, it calls back to previous plot threads without totally resolving them. I uses them as plot devices to move this issue along in a way that works. There's definitely some characters acting a little off, but it's quickly explained.

    The artwork by Javier Pina is certainly the best I've seen from him. The line work is very solid, and the action is, not exactly super amazing, but it's functionally exactly what this series needs.

    Kim Rebecki doesn't get a reason to use her cheap 'plot point detection' powers, and she really manages to hold her own pretty well. The Transhuman continues to prove that he's the most interesting of the supporting cast, though that's mostly because the carryover characters from the original series make such weak performances by comparison to their original incarnations. The Body Doubles hardly get to do anything here, Hooker is dispatched with a single magma attack and never gets a chance to be the disturbing lunatic that made him so great before, and I've already said my bit about Kim. It really makes me wish this series had done less with the previous supporting cast, and focused more on creating a new direction, that definitely might have been one thing holding this back.

    But this issue also does come with some excellent surprise twists. The Transhuman is subject to one, and the other is the identity of the C.E.O. of the lab. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but it makes a weird amount of sense, and you realize it couldn't have been anybody else. Although DC HAS been trying to make the series' more connected, so I guess I can think of a few big DC players it could've been. But this one plays more to the relatively self-contained tone of the series.

    In Conclusion: 4/5

    What REALLY concerns me is how this series is going to wrap everything up in one more issue. We've got the full backstory to detail, as well as the battle with the C.E.O., Mitch Shelley. And on top of all that, Heaven and Hell are still at the ready as per the deal made two issues ago. Mostly I'm just really bummed to see this series cancelled, the execution fluctuated a bit, but this was such a unique concept with such great potential, and I don't know what the chances are of ever seeing a third Resurrection Man series.

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