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Latest Last Airbender Trailer

First, I keep accidentally calling this the Avatar movie because  Avatar: The Last Airbender was the name of the TV show it's based on and anyone who watched the show would just call it Avatar. Ok, glad I got that off my chest. It really bothers me that Avatar used that name for a movie a year before The Last Airbender is released. Oh well.. 
Ok, on to the trailer. I'd like to start by saying that the movie looks absolutely stunning. The effects crew looks like they went all out in making this movie a visual treat. I rewatched the trailer two more times just so I could get a good look at the bending and the creatures. Appa looks cool so far. The lizards that the Fire Nation soldiers ride look great too. They've done a fantastic job of translating an animated world into a convincing real world environment. The fight scenes look like they're jam-packed with creative bending so I am very excited for that.
The more I see the characters the less it bothers me that they don't really look like their animated counterparts--namely that seemingly Asian or non-white characters are now played by white people and Indians. That bothered me a lot at first. But...that's the case less and less as I become familiar with them. 
Things that bothered me still: The voiceover for the trailer only detracted from the spectacle of the visual aspect of it for me. It made the story sound overly complicated and tried to introduce too many elements I think. Keep it simple. People either know the gist of the movie or can ask a child or can check imdb (which is what I do with any movie I find interesting), so why try to explain the title and plot all in one trailer? I'm mystified. 
Overall I'd say that as of this moment I am excited for this movie and definitely going to go see it when it comes out.

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