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Average score of 6 user reviews

Welcome Back, BANE! 0

I love Bane! The mere fact (in comics though) he broke Batman's vertebrae put him in my top-five list of the greatest comic villains of all-time! The ultimate issue of Secret Six is not just a strong finale, but a new twist of seeing Bane returning to his roots--a highly cunning, manipulative, and standalone strategist that destroys (or breaks if you will) anyone who stands his way! Gail Simone gives justice what should Bane BANE! When is the last time a DC writer gave the said character what is...

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Detect This! 0

The phenomenon that is "rebooting" in DC nowadays forces all DC writers to write up a spectacular ending in their respective assignments. Detective Comics 881 never fails to impress many readers, more so comic reviewers. I can offer something in this discourse: the story simply rocks to the core! One will appreciate more if he/she reads back one of the most essential, if not the perennial, readings in Batman-literature: THE KILLING JOKE. Compare then these two visual treats to see the (ir)ration...

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Aaargh! 0

The reason why I choose Fear Itself: Deadpool is its designated artist-Bong Dazo! He maintains consistency and most importantly, FUNNY! I don't know with many other critics/reviewers out there, but he's the reason why a lousy story-driven comic still looks good, all because of BONG DAZO! So why the title of my review? The plot and dialogues simply fail to give justice to Dazo's meticulous, yet cartoony, art. I know Deadpool should be treated un-seriously, but at the same time, engagingly, simila...

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A Possible Future(?) to Watch! 0

Matt Fraction continues his superb storytelling skills in the pages of Iron Man. This issue is no exception! Never resting his laurels even after winning the prestigious Eisner's, he teased readers/fans what would be in store for this golden avenger for the years to come. He first showed us the possibilities of having a three generation of Starks in a dystopian future. A young freedom fighter, a war dog and a pitiful human pet of the despotic Mandarin. Then after a few pages, a present times tha...

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M is for MASSACRE! 0

Love him or loath him forever, Grant Morrison will always be GRANT MORRISON! If anyone wants to begin to write a love/hate letter to this Scottish extraordinaire, refer some of his earlier opuses-Batman: Arkham Asylum, The Invisibles, Doom Patrol, and most importantly-New X-Men! The former X-Men title suffered terribly in both sales and fan-reception due partly on the mismanaged editorial decisions in the late 90s. New blood, new life, new direction. Quesada hired Morrison and the rest was histo...

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Puffed Raging Hulk! 0

Marvel attempts, several times though, to capture the lightning twice. One of this case, Planet Hulk. Successful for fans, critics and sales, Marvel wants to do it again, but this time, with the Red counterpart. Virtually similar plots and scenarios--sending off to another war-ravaged planet and played SAVIOR/KING or whatsoever in the end. If more successful, strike back Earth with a red hue! But no, the readers know better! The original is still THE BEST! And this is almost exactly what happene...

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