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My Favorite New 52 Characters

yep, new 52. this means saruman, tombstone, all are disqualified.

basically, this is a list for another of my personalities. don't ask about this part, just enjoy the list.

List items

  • new 52 is awesome, but this character is best watched in JLU, where his abilities are telepathy, super strength, shape shifting, invisibility.

  • this guy can use some really wicked characters, who makes me jealous. like the iron snail. LOVE IT!

  • new 52 version. yeah, really. because i love new 52, and the original version, while being the best lucifer there is, is a little TOO powerful for me. this lucifer is planetary in power which is perfect, smart but not to the point of nigh omniscience which is even better. i like my characters not overpowered.

    i love new 52.

  • as a red lantern.

  • this is a must have lol

  • new 52. being omniscient is all cool, but like i said, i like my characters not too powerful. or they'll ruin all the fun.

  • the golden guardian is one of my all time favorites.