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UNDERDOG'S Daily JOURNAL ent.#4 A Vinersaurs Fan-Fic


This Is a BLOG set in the real world which is actually a fictionalized real world full of unworldly things which was actually in Oh screw I lost track of what this actually about... well anyways read it dudes I know there was a glitch in there or something but please do...

So Hi I am the Under_DOG! (with an underscore)

Shoot! there was a glitch! or something in the internet connection! See today I'm in Egypt and I just posted my blog a while ago...this blog was ruined by poor internet connection since I am here in EGYPT a place with no Signal! It sucked dudes... Now you did not actually get the story... Ya see there I was blogging early in the morning and then I was rushing in writing that blog, But then the poor internet connection butted in and now It was all ruined! There was an error or something but it was still published which sucked cuz you actually got to see a misleading story! My reputation RUINED! and so right now everybody thinks I suck at actually writing stuff... You see here is the actual Story, I was at a bar, Loners Nightclub was the name of that bar if I can still recall... and I saw these two people talking about alien and stuff like that, I was interested in their talk and so I (being an annoying dude) butted in their small talk and convinced them to take me with them in their trip.We were now all serious about it that I totally forgot that I came to dance... And so Now I am here In Egypt... and I managed to survive the first wave of ALIEN ATTACK! I guess I'm lucky and so I felt the Urge to write about it...But then that Darn internet connection! AAARGH

But I know you won't understand what actually happened so I'll direct you to ANOTHER story... I am an Aspiring Writer you see? so I'll let you read a little bit of my adventure here which I put on a lot of time... I'm planning to write a novel based on true stories, a novel based on my life, an autobiography... Read it here:

Neil The UNDERDOG: A hero that was treated like a Zero...

On June 15 somewhere during 1990's a kid was born, A kid who never thought he'd change the world. Join his adventures as he stumbles upon inteplanetary mischief, along with his UNICORN friend... Brave readers Join him as you journey with Neil The UNDERDOG: A hero that was treated like a Zero...

Hi I am Gregory Neil I can't Tell you my last name or they will find me... they have invaded the World they are everywhere... They could be your mom your dad or anyone, the police officer or they could be your teacher...Naww just trying to mess you Up... I am Gregory Neil, A kid who gained powers from a lone Unicorn, A true personification of awesomeness, A defender of the Innocent! He is... The UNDERDOG!

So how was my autobiography? you liked it? well I hope you did... I'm signing out. For now. CIAO

The UNDERDOG is currently in the Ancient Aliens Returned??? EVENT