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X-23: Public Enemy

X-23: Public Enemy

Chapter 1

Laura breathed heavily as she sprinted through a large woodland forest. The sound of leaves and grass crunching under her feet made her adrenaline rise. Lady Deathstrike was right behind her. She is a woman with cybernetics that made her stronger, and adamantium nails on each of her fingers. Deathstrike's nails rip through the base of trees causing them to tumble to the ground. Somehow, this woman was revived and is now hunting down Laura. X-23 had faced, and killed Lady Deathstrike. Deathstrike was after her most likely because she was the clone of Wolverine and for killing her.

X-23 was a cold blooded killer. Ruthless. She showed no mercy to her foes. Although she was only 16, Laura was made to be the ultimate weapon. Her "mother" Dr. Kinney tried to ensure that Laura retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts proved to be in vain. Now, Laura has been searching for the one thing she lacked. A soul.

Laura trips over a log and begins to roll down the forest path. Lady Deathstrike attempts to slice her from behind, but Laura gets up in time before she could lay one of her nails on her side. *SNIKT* She extends her claws that were exactly like Wolverine's only she has two. Laura snarls at Deathstrike as sweat beaded down her face. Her green eyes showed rage and fury.

"You should be six feet under." Laura said coldly. "Petty clone. I always find a way to come back to finish what I started." Lady Deathstike says as she slashes at Laura scissor style with her nails. X-23 does the matrix to avoid her attack, and extends her foot spike. She kicks her leg up and pierces Deathstrike in the chest. She growls in pain as crimson red blood trickled down her chest. Lady Deathstrike pulls out Laura's foot spike wincing as she is doing so. She then digs her adamantium nails into Laura's lungs. Laura yells in pain. Blood soon filled her mouth. She staggers back a bit trying to plan her next move.

"So yourself Deathstrike. Show me!" Laura yelled as she stabbed her repeatedly. The two continued to fight in the scarlet puddle that continued to form around them. Deathstrike breaths heavily and wipes some of the blood from her face. "Although I would love to kill you now, I have other business to attend to." She then runs off into the forest leaving Laura by herself. She looks down at her hands stained in blood from the fight with Lady Deathstrike and sighs. Laura retracts her claws and continues to advance towards the nearest town.

After walking for about a half hour, a knife whistles past Laura and lodges itself into a tree behind her. Laura snarls as MRD agents surround her in seconds. "Freeze X-23!" One of them shouted. *SNIKT* Laura extends her claws and prepares for a fight as guns were aimed at her.