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Live Action Super Hero movies I own or have at least watched.

The list's title should explain well enough lol.

List items

  • Own

  • Own both the original cut and the Richard Donner cut. Donner cut is better.

  • Own, and imo the 2nd worst Superman movie. The acting is just eh and painful to watch. If not for the Lana Lang scenes I probably wouldn't have bothered with this movie.

  • The 3rd worst imo, shocking I know. But I consider a Bad/cheesy movie to be better than a bad movie(Superman 3) and far better than one that puts me to sleep(Superman Returns). Nuclear Man yes is a dumb villain but is certainly better then other 3's or Returns Computer or Kryptonite Island threats. Plus he has some potential if he were retooled right.

  • This movie is the worst Superman Movie imo. For one it's dreadfully boring. Routh & Spacey were fine choices visually but everyone else, eh. The movie should have been it's own thing instead of a Bow down to the Richard Donner Superman, the Kryptonite Island was Lame, Luthor was over the Top, Superman was a stalker, I won't say dead-beat dad like others cause well he didn't know it was his kid, but however Lois should have treated him like a damn rapist, she obviously didn't remember having sex with him so her reaction was very unrealistic. This Film should have returned Superman to his glory for a new Generation, it should have been better than Superman 3 or Superman 4, but instead wallows in the same mediocrity both films stay in, therefore making Returns even worse than those two films, the film also set Superman's reputation back several decades. Bryan Singer, screw you!

  • Own

  • Own

  • Own, and despite it's flack I believe Val Kilmer is the best Batman/Bruce Wayne combo out of all the live-action films. That was this films saving grace.

  • Own, and yes it's the worst live action Batman film. But I do find it to be a big budget Adam West movie and think of it as such and nothing more. It's a comedy film and it works in a weird way like that. But it does have Bat-nipples and the worst bane of all time so it easily earns the worst Batman movie title. Stay Cool my friends! ha ha ha ha!

  • Own and I happen to like this Film more than the Joker: The Dark Knight film. I mean it's sequel.

  • Own, and it's more of a Joker movie than a Batman movie. heath Ledger stills the show from Bale in this one.

  • Watched and ugh terrible.

  • Watch and ugh bad as well.

  • Watched, and it's terribly cheesy. lol

  • Watched, and it's bad, very bad. Shaq as Steel...did anyone watch his Kazaam movie beforehand?

  • Own, and dreadfully boring, the Army scenes vs Hulk are good but besides that the movie sucks.

  • Own, and while it's not a good movie, it's certainly better than it's sequel...blah....

  • Watched, all the first movie's problems and more in this stinkfest, pass up the chance to watch it if you can.

  • Watched and Owned at one point. Certainly above average compared to most superhero flicks but your not gonna miss much if you don't watch it or it's sequel....

  • Blah, dreadful movie to sit throw, main actress is hot but aside from sucks a golf ball through a garden hose.

  • Own, not as bad as most people make it out to be but it's certainly not a good movie.

  • Own, and blah to it. Your not missing anything if you don't watch this. And Alba is a terrible choice for the sexy and equally intelligent Sue Storm.

  • Own, and loud Galactus and stupid army, enough said on this terrible flick.

  • Own and alternate title is X-Wolverine.

  • Own, and alternate title is X2: Wolverines United.

  • Own, and Alternate title is X3: The Last Wolverine.

  • Watched, and can you say it sucks bad? One of the worst Superhero movies period.

  • Watched, the movie that retcons out X-Men 3 & wolverine Origins, good start already, hope the next film is even better.

  • Own, and one of my favorite superhero films of all time, and it kicked off the Marvel Movieverse and took iron Man into the spot light good job Marvel Studious.

  • Own, the sequel for Iron man, and while it certainly suffers from it's own problems, and it's basically an over glorified commercial for the Avengers, it's a fun brainless action flick.

  • Own, and Marvel Studious did the impossible for me, make Hulk entertaining. And it has the best comic book one on one fight scene period. Hulk vs Abomination kicked all sorts of tail. Good Job.

  • Own, and my personal favorite out of all the Marvel Universe movie films, though it maybe the fact I'm a Thor fanboy at heart, but I loved watching this film.

  • After 3 crappy films in the past, good ol' cap finally gets the film he deserved for a long time. Thank you Marvel Studious. Watched.

  • Own, and while the film has a great first half and a bad second Half, I kindof enjoyed this flick. And hopefully if it does get a sequel they put more time and care into the next film's story. There is potential here.

  • Own, and there are some points to this film you could consider its so bad it's good to watch. but otherwise avoid it. It's not worth your time.

  • Watched, honestly terrible costume, one fight scene, whiney/mello Steve Rogers, dumb plot, do I need to go on?

  • Watched, and while it is a bad film, It's either on par or slightly better than the much later Fantastic Four films. If your curious to watch it, it's all on Youtube.

  • Own, and it's fairly decent although if you do watch it, Spidey does seem to appear out of the blue really.

  • Own, and it's my personal favorite of the Spidey flicks. The fight with Doc Ock was cool.

  • Own, the worst Spidey flick, but it's still far better than most films on this list. If Venom wasn't included then the film would have been better.

  • Own, and yes I know it's a bad flick, but I dunno I can just watch it for some odd reason or another. lol

  • Watched, and would prefer not to see it again.

  • Watched, and about the same disdain as the first.

  • Own, and probably the most enjoyable if you look at it as a brain dead action flick.

  • Watched, and in all honesty I kindof like it as a cheesy action flick. lol I dunno why neither.