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Hulk's List: Potential Recruits for the Avengers

Welcome to Hulk's Top 5. As most of you know, Hulk and the other Avengers are dealing with quite possibly the biggest threat to this world has ever seen.His name is Ultron and he's going to destroy all of humanity unless we do something about it. Hulk have actually been looking into potential recruits that could help us finally defeat Ultron once and for all. He's winning, and we need some extra reinforcements. Here are some potential candidates we're considering. Now, keep in mind, not all of them are Marvel, but hey, Hulk will take anyone at this point. The Avengers need serious backup.

Guardians of the Galaxy

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Yes, the Guardians of the Galaxy. Hulk think we could use these guys to help defeat Ultron. They are not only a very unique team of heroes, but they helped stop Ronan from destroying the whole galaxy. Hulk didn't even know that stuff was going on at the time. So, kudos to them. The team members include Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax the Destroyer.


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Heck yeah. Superman, the Son of Krypton, The Man of Steel. He's not only one of the most powerful beings ever, he's also helped save the world from General Zod and his world terraformer, and he will soon be teaming up with Batman and Wonder Woman. This guy with his incredible roster of powers could really give us an edge against Ultron.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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We really don't really have that many martial artists on our team, with the exception of Black Widow and possibly Captain America. But, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have incredible martial arts skills that The Avengers may have some use for. They stop The Shredder's plans for world domination on a regular basis. Hulk think The Avengers could use them in our fight against Ultron.


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Hell, yeah. Godzilla, the King of the Monsters. What more do you really need to know. Godzilla is the biggest, baddest movie monster out there. He can breathe atomic energy, regenerate, and destroy everything in his way. With this big boy around, Ultron is finished.


The X-Men

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Hulk know these guys are kind of busy, but considering the great threat that is Ultron, they are needed now more than ever. Not only do they have many different varieties of powers per mutant, they have helped stopped many threats, such as Sentinels, Magneto and his brotherhood and even Apocalypse. These guys could really help put the odds in our favor.

So, these are some potential candidates Hulk have been looking at to help us in our quest to stop Ultron before he wipes out humanity. If there are any other suggestions for heroes we could recruit, tell Hulk.


The Autobots



Wonder Woman


The Power Rangers


Who would you recruit to be in The Avengers to help us stop Ultron? Do you agree with this list? Why or why not?