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The Balance

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Bio, currently under construction

Love was contacted one night, right after he had saved two civillian hostages. He found a strange invitation from a group calling himself the Balance, a group that secretly controls the whole world, making it possible for peace. 
The Balance is an organisation, led by nine individuals. Three Villains, three Heroes and three Neutrals. The Villains represent one scale, the heroes the other scale and the Neutrals represents the pillar holding them both up. Each member has been carefully observed and picked by the other members. All the members find it stressfull to work with one another, but they respect each other and have all accepted their  place in the Balance. Each member of the Balance represents an aspect of Death. 

The Villains

Rage - Ikari 

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Name: Carter Lin
Alias: Ikari (my older profile)
Aspect: Rage
Bio: Rage leads to more Rage and eventually to suffering. Carter has always been a source of anger. One day both of his parents were murdered. He thought the murderer could be brung to justice, only to see the court rule in favor of him. This further fueled his rage and under influence of a strange, alien ring he became Ikari.


Greed - The Golden King

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Name: Isaac Williams III
Alias: The Golden King
Aspect: Greed
Bio: Greed drives people to death or murder, a good example of Greed is Isaac Williams.  Isaac was a british aristocrat and obsessed with gold. Thinking the best way to obtain all the gold he wanted was by stealing it. So he turned to a life of crime. One day while raiding a lab he
discovered a beam that could alter molecules. He could use this weapon to turn everything into gold. Incorperating the weapon into his suit, he became the Golden King.  

Destruction - Voicst

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Name: Sandra Simms
Alias: Voicst
Aspect: Destruction
Bio: Sandra was born with amazing singing talent, she had a beautiful voice and an amazing singing career. After a accident rendered her mute, Sandra did everything in her power to regain her voice. She participated in an experiment. The experiment gave her back her voice, but it was amplified by a million times. Now she can't even speak without leveling a building. Feeling defeated and bitter, she snapped and set out to wreak havoc. 

The Heroes


Love - Love

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Name: Jackson Love
Alias: Love
Aspect: Love

Bio: People kill and die for love, Jackson Love has devoted his whole life to love. So it was natural that he would become the representation of the aspect of Love. Jackson has an amazing ability to learn things and a love for women. He's devoted most of his time learning new things to impress women.  He has nearly mastered any skill a human being could posses.

Protection - Guardian

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Name: Clifford Ward
Alias: Guardian
Aspect: Protection

Bio: People die protecting.  They sacrifice themselves or others to protect what they hold dear. Clifford grew up on the streets of New York. Every night he and his brother would be attacked by thugs. So in order to protect each other they learned how to fight. One night Cliffords brother was killed during a mugging. To honor his brother Clifford protected and helped the poor and homeless. He became the Guardian.

Beliefs - Lightbreaker

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Name: John Lamar Brown
Alias: Lightbreaker
Aspect: Believes

Bio: People have believes and they are willing to kill or die for what they hold high. John's father taught him that whatever people did, he should try and see the best in them. That same day John's father was killed durin a mugging. John wasn't angry, he knew not all people are evil. He believes in what his father stood for. He believes that one day, everybody can get along with each other.

The Neutrals


Madness - Slayer

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Name: Waylon Jenson
Alias: Slayer
Aspect: Madness
Bio: Madness exists on both sides, evil and good. Everybody is insane in their own way, nobody is normal. Waylon Jenson used to be a technician until one day wehn his house was struck by a meteor.The crash killed his family and a strange alien goo bonded to his skin. He could now control machines but the accident left him deformed and insane.

Despair - Despair

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Name: Anne de Caunes
Alias: Despair
Aspect: Despair
Bio: Despair was born in France during World War II. Her family was of Jewish decent and thus they were froced to live in hiding. Trusting nobody and constantly living in fear. Because her parents didn't want to live in fear any longer, they performed a ritual which would give their youngest child vast magical abilities. During the ritual both of Anne's parents died. She changed her name and would wreak havoc for decades before she was cotacted by the Balance.

Time - Chronos

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Name: Unknown
Alias: Chronos
Aspect: TIme
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